Real Life RPG

Real Life RPG by Jackson Gray

Book: Real Life RPG by Jackson Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackson Gray
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fancy elves” the goblin said with a laugh. “The world has too many of them already!”
    I could hear a crowd behind me laughing; I guessed they were the members of the horde that were not that badly injured. The elf looked angry as they started beating on the shield, there attacks was more of a taking out of frustration rather than doing any real damage.
    “Ferocity was grabbed in Seafarin” I turned to Agony as I got serious. “The Soldiers of light have her, I know we have that raid coming up but we have to get her back, her and my companion”.
    “What do you mean the Soldiers of Light have her?” Agony replied in a voice I could tell meant he had trouble understanding.
    “I don’t know how to say it any clearer, the Soldiers of light have her, my companion who you have never met and a young girl, get together a strong raid of at least 20 people and lets go get her, it’s getting dark and their castle is not that far outside of Seafarin”.
    Agony looked blank for a moment, I could tell he was either trying to communicate with Ferocity or maybe trying to reach his contact within the Soldiers of Light.
    “They must have her shielded somehow, they probably brought her to their strong hold and used the girl as bait to make sure she did not give them a hard time” Agony said as 10 Orc silencers came forward the orcish equivalent of an assassin. The party outside of our dome continued to curse and yell as Torment pulled out his crossbow and fire upon one of them. Soon, the Orc Silencers produced some kind of throwing spike and began to attack, safe behind the confines of the best shield money could buy until the attack broke off.
    “We are your party” Torment said gesturing to the orcs present. “Although I am not sure you will have us after quitting your own guild”.
    “We both know the guild was not mine” I replied as I waved him off. “But this is a conversation for another day, they still have Ferocity”.
    I created a party with three of the orcs, Morose, Rage and Anger and activated my teleportation spell, surprising the heel out of them as we appeared back in Seafarin. A little while later another group of four showed up followed by Torment whose group only had three members.
    “The waitress at the inn is the person who first sicced them on me” I said as I looked around at the darkened streets, still full of people closing up shop. “But Ferocity was grabbed away from me which means they have eyes everywhere”.
    “Well let’s try and kill as many of these bastards as possible while in town” Torment said as he too became aware of his surroundings. “Let’s start at the inn, it would do no good to try an infiltrate their stronghold only to have enemies at our back”.
    I nodded agreement as we decided to stick together and move as a group. My party thanks to my ability had to keep slowing down as they were far faster than their comrades. I could see movement out of the corner of my eye my Torment dismissed it, whoever it was we could deal with later. We came upon the inn quickly enough, Torment’s group went around to the rear and the other group climbed the building to come in through the second story. Once I saw them enter a window I burst through the door and started looking around.
    I could see the blonde, who screamed and ran towards the back, A mage of the Soldiers of light had his back to me as Morose and Rage activated their backstab ability on the man, killing him instantly. The other two Soldiers of Light hurried to their feet as Rage started firing off throwing spikes. The enemy was a Knight and an assassin, they were slightly higher level and even with my boosts, if we didn’t get the tank down quickly he could hold out until back up arrived.
    “Wait a minute!” the assassin cried out as I personally jumped towards him as Rage faced off against the knight. I slashed him once which caused him to jump back but I was far faster than he was, and delivered another strike as he

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