Real Life RPG

Real Life RPG by Jackson Gray Page A

Book: Real Life RPG by Jackson Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackson Gray
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jumped behind the bar. I turned my attention to the Knight as the sounds of fighting upstairs reached me. I went after the knight who looked to be just defending, his stone wall ability successfully turning back my basic attack. I would have summoned Corroding rain but there would be a lot of collateral damage from players who really didn’t have a beef with me.
    “Fool just wait a minute!” the knight cried out as we took turns testing out his defense.
    “Kill him” I screamed as I could hear the assassin sneaking up beside me. I struck him at least 8 more times wondering why he wasn’t dead yet as clarity struck me. I could only take off half damage, it didn’t matter how many times I struck him once he got to one life point, the game wouldn’t let me half that. I switched targets just as my three party members finished off the knight and the other group came running down stairs, minus two members. I could look at their health and tell they had a tougher fight than we had. The customers in the inn were braced against the wall as Anger killed the assassin.
    “Let’s go around back, this is where I was ambushed at” I said as I walked around the bar, through the kitchen and out the door. The girl was being firmly held by Torment, who looked to be the only one remaining of his group.
    “The fight was tough but we caught her, is this one of your attackers?” Torment said as he pushed the girl towards me.
    “Yeah that’s one of them” I said as I loomed over the girl, basking in her fear. “Tell your friends I am coming” I told he as I leaned down and looked into her eyes.
    “T-T-They are expecting you, they wanted me to tell you it was just all a misunderstanding” the woman stammered.
    “There was no misunderstanding” I replied as I turned to Torment. “Let’s go, by now their members have respawned back in their stronghold and let them know what they will be facing. Maybe they will hand over our comrades now that they know we mean business”.
    “The Soldiers are good people, they don’t mean you any harm” the blonde stammered as she tugged my coat. With a swipe of my arm I sent her sprawling on her ass in the alley.
    “We need to go, the guards will be around soon if they are not on their way already” I said as I became conscious that the guards were always at a higher level than those they fought and that PATRICK was programmed to make an infinite number of them.
    “I was supposed to tell you if you came back to wait here for OEF2010” the blonde said as her voice became annoying.
    “Do you want me to kill her?” Rage said reading my mind.
    “Tell OEF2010 that I am on my way to him” I said trying to sound like an action star. “And also tell him there won’t be any talking when we meet”.
    Rage looked disappointed as I did not give him permission as we left the small alley just as the city guards started pouring into the front of the building. We took off at a run and got out of the city before the guards could get us and crept towards Castle Greyskull, home of the Soldiers of Light. It took about two hours to get near it, the Silencers in our group went into stealth mode and started creeping out to surround the area. It was expected that they would have traps and sentries posted, the silencers main goal was to make our force look bigger than what it was and attack from all angles. They would do hardly any damage, the Soldiers decided to keep the same type of shield Jokesonyou had when he owned the stronghold. Whenever they struck though they would cause the castle guards and players to seek them out, during this time my job was to start working on the shield.
    “Fool, stop” a loud voice rang out that I recognized, it was Ferocity. “They are not our enemy”.
    “It could be a trick” Torment said as he peered at the castle and could see Ferocity looking out one of the castle towers. “I will go close, if I die avenge me”.
    I watched as Torment showed himself, the

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