Ravens Deep (one)

Ravens Deep (one) by Jane Jordan

Book: Ravens Deep (one) by Jane Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Jordan
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out one way or another.  But as the daylight began to fade, I looked anxiously at my watch.
                  Just exactly what time was nightfall anyway?
                  I sat at the desk and tried to write, but the letters danced before my eyes, I could not concentrate. I gazed out the window every few minutes.  It was already dark and although the wild winds had calmed, there was still a distant howling to be heard across the moors, from the occasional gusts of wind that whipped up from the coast and chased their way across the desolate terrain.
                  Suddenly I saw Darius’s silhouette outside the garden wall.  I got up quickly and
    straightened any visible creases in my dress.  I opened the front door to find him standing in the porch. His dark hair fell across his face and a subtle smile hovered around his mouth.              I smiled back, my earlier feelings of what was right and wrong in the universe flew from my mind, all I felt was happiness that he was here.             
                  “For you,” he said, presenting me with a bunch of flowers. “They are beautiful are they not?”  I stared at the flowers, I was more in control than I would have credited, as I did not gasp or make some other noise of shock.  But I accepted the bunch of honeysuckle and wild roses tied with grass, and tried to remain nonchalant.
                  “Yes,” I murmured. “Thank you, I will put them in some water.” I turned trying to rationalize why Darius would have put flowers on Madeline’s tomb, and why he had given me the same flowers.
                  We walked through to the kitchen and I avoided his eyes, because when I looked at him I was aware of the odd and overwhelming urge to draw closer to him.  I turned towards the sink, occupying myself with the flowers and tried to remain casual.
                  “Did you go to the church yesterday?” I asked quietly. I could feel him close to me. I could feel he was standing directly behind me. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him.  He was unbearably close now. But given my suspicions, I couldn’t’t let this get out of hand.    
                  “Why do you want to know?” he asked, looking curiously at me. I took deep breath.
                  “These flowers are the same as the flowers on Madeline’s tomb yesterday.”  I said, searching his face for some reaction, but he coolly turned from me.
                  “Yes, I sometimes put flowers on the various graves, out of respect for the past I suppose. These happen to be my favourite flowers; they grow wild in the hedgerows.”  I was relieved, at least it was an answer I could live with and turned back to the flowers.
                  “I am not sure if there are any vases, maybe a glass will do. I think there are some in the pantry. Would you. . .” but before I could continue Darius had opened one of the high cupboards to reveal two glass vases. He selected one and held it out to me.
                  The realization hit me, he knew this house, he knew where things were kept better than me and he was suddenly aware something had alarmed me.
                  “Madeline, what is wrong?” he asked with faint concern. He moved towards me and I took a step back. I tried to keep the accusation out of my voice, but I spoke directly.
                  “Darius, how did you know where that vase was?  How did you know the exact cupboard to look in?” The silence between us was deafening.
                  “I used to come here as a child.  Nothing’s changed, everything is as it once was,” he said simply.
                  “So you knew the family?” I felt comforted, nothing sinister after all.
                  “Yes,” he said, handing me the vase. “It

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