Rapturous Rakes Bundle
away swiftly from her second error.
    ‘There is no need whatsoever. It was passable, my
    lord—perfectly acceptable...’
    Lucas was laughing now. ‘I shall have to do better,’
    he murmured, reaching to pull her closer again. His
    voice roughened. ‘Acceptable is simply not...
    Rebecca wriggled, but Lucas had an arm about her
    and held her ruthlessly still. She felt his breath feather
    The Rake’s Mistress
    across her skin. She could see the shadow of his eye-
    lashes, spiky against the hard line of his cheek. His
    lips brushed her jaw, then his mouth was suddenly on
    hers, his hand tangled in her hair, tilting her face up
    to his. Sensation flared within her. The rosewood desk
    was smooth, the back of it hard against her thighs. She
    felt herself tremble. Lucas’s hand brushed the cotton
    of her gown, his palm against her breast. He was kiss-
    ing her with such urgency that her head reeled. His
    slightest touch could ignite her fiercest longings. She
    felt heavy, languid and tingly all over. Rebecca had
    never, ever imagined it could be like that.
    The world shook. She felt herself lean back against
    the desk, scattering the pencil sketches all over the
    floor. The sound disturbed her and she tried instinc-
    tively to pull away, but Lucas did not break the kiss,
    prolonging it mercilessly until Rebecca had almost for-
    gotten where she was and was held helpless and be-
    witched. This time when his lips left hers she gave a
    small gasp of disappointment that she could not re-
    press, and she saw the masculine satisfaction in his
    expression as he scanned her face. Useless to try to
    deny his effect on her, for it was evident in her shaking
    hands and her flushed, aroused face.
    ‘Acceptable?’ he drawled.
    Rebecca moved away, surreptitiously holding on to
    the desk for support. ‘There is nothing acceptable
    about this behaviour, my lord. I desire no more from
    my clients than that they pay promptly, and you are
    no different from the rest.’
    ‘No different?’ Lucas’s insistent tone made her
    blush. She knew that she was not telling the truth.
    Nicola Cornick
    ‘I cannot allow you to be any different from the rest,
    my lord.’ Rebecca knew she was weakening. If he
    touched her again...
    But he did not. She saw the shadow of something
    come into his eyes, almost as though he had recalled
    some barrier that stood between them. He touched her
    cheek lightly in a gentle caress that she felt shiver
    through her body.
    ‘Be careful, Rebecca Raleigh,’ he said.
    And it was odd, but later she wondered why his
    words had sounded like a farewell.
    Chapter Four
    ‘Rebecca, it is decided. You are coming with me to
    a ball this evening.’ Nan Astley marched triumphantly
    into Rebecca’s studio the following evening and sur-
    veyed her friend with amused disapproval. ‘Look at
    you! It is past nine and you are still working. You will
    become the dullest creature imaginable if you carry on
    in this way!’
    Rebecca laughed and reluctantly laid down her di-
    amond scribe. She rubbed her eyes, which felt gritty
    from tiredness. ‘I have to work. I need the money.’
    Nan made a tutting sound. ‘Not tonight. You are
    wan as a bowl of whey. Tonight you are coming out
    with me. It will cheer you up.’
    ‘Not tonight, Nan,’ Rebecca besought. ‘Please! I am
    Nan made a derisive noise. ‘Then a change of scene
    is what you need to help raise your spirits.’ Her face
    puckered. ‘I worry about you, Becca, sitting here and
    working your fingers to the bone.’
    ‘I hope it is not the Cyprians’ Ball.’ Rebecca could
    Nicola Cornick
    feel herself weakening. ‘I have not forgotten that you
    tried to persuade me to attend last year.’
    ‘Of course it is not!’ Nan looked virtuous. ‘Would
    I take you to such an event? No, this is only a small,
    private affair. Besides, it is a masked ball, so no one
    will recognise you. It is taking place at Carlisle House.
    What could be

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