successful it has been.”
Zack had some hot coffee and set the cup in its saucer. “I’m wondering about this situation with Bill and the girl from Indiana. How could the mail order bride system possibly work for Christians?”
“I heard some Christian girls at school talking about it just last week, Pa,” said Angeline. “One of them knows of a Christian young woman in Augusta, Georgia, who answered one of those mail order bride ads from a Christian man in Wyoming, and he had stipulated in the ad that he wanted a born-again woman. After she sent her reply, she got a letter from him. He explained in detail what he meant by born-again, using Scripture. He asked for her testimony, and when he received it, he wrote back and asked her to come to Wyoming with the prospect of becoming his wife. She went to him, they married, and have been happy ever since.”
“Knowing Bill,” said Dan, “I’m sure he put something like that in his ads. You know how close he walks to the Lord.”
Angeline set adoring eyes on her big brother. “Dan, if you go to Texas, I’ll miss you something terrible.”
“We all will, honey,” Zack said. “But your mother and I want him to go out West only if it is God’s will. And the way he’s feeling about it … it just may be exactly what the Lord wants him to do.”
“That’s how I’m thinking, Pa,” Dan said.
Zack smiled at his eldest son. “If the Lord leads you to do it, your mother and I will dip into your share of your inheritance and give you the money so you will have the proper start in the cattle business out there … in Texas, or wherever. We want you to be a real success in it.”
“Thank you, Dad. I’m so glad both of you feel that way.”
That same afternoon at the Moore plantation, Priscilla and Dorena were sitting on the back porch of the mansion. For some monthsPriscilla had been teaching Dorena how to read and write. The lessons were an hour long, five days a week.
During this time the girls’ hearts became knit together in a special way, for it was Priscilla who had led Dorena to the Lord a week after Dorena became her slave. Shortly thereafter, Dorena’s parents had come to know the Lord. Priscilla and Dorena enjoyed each other’s company immensely, whether Dorena was doing her work for Priscilla or they were just doing things together.
This day was an especially warm one. The porch was shaded by huge oak trees, and once in a while a gentle breeze wafted over them. They sipped lemonade periodically to quench their thirst.
Priscilla had placed an English textbook in Dorena’s hands, and after the one-hour grammar lesson was over, Dorena closed the book and said, “Thank you so much for doing this for me, Miss—” She looked around to make sure they were alone. “I mean … Priscilla. Because of your tutoring me, I’m doing better and better at reading the Bible you gave me.”
“I’m glad, honey.” Priscilla picked up her pleated fan. She plied it briskly, stirring air to cool her warm face, and looked at Dorena with envy. Dorena was clad in a light cotton frock and was barefooted. Priscilla let her eyes trail down to her own dress with the many petticoats she was required to wear, along with cotton stockings and lace-up shoes.
Dorena’s cheeks dimpled in a grin, and she said teasingly, “There are some advantages to being a slave.”
Both girls broke into a giggle, then Priscilla said in a serious tone, “You are doing well in your studies. It won’t be long before you’ll be able to read and write as well as anybody, Dorena.”
As she spoke, Priscilla saw her brother moving past the porch.
When he laid eyes on them, he stopped and glared at Priscilla, waggled his head, and echoed in a mocking tone, “It won’t be long and you’ll be able to read and write as well as anybody, Dorena.”
Dorena felt her stomach muscles tighten.
“Leave us alone, Lewis,” Priscilla said.
Lewis scowled at her tone of voice and clamped
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