Ransom of Love

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Book: Ransom of Love by Al Lacy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Al Lacy
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sure, we won’t live here on the plantation. We’ll have to live in our own home and live our own lives. But whether we live in Charleston or many miles away, you and I will still be together in our hearts.”
    “But you will come and see your parents now and then, won’t you? Even if you live many miles from here?”
    “Of course.”
    “So we can see each other then.”
    “Yes. And when the Lord brings His chosen young man into your life, you will marry him and be very happy. Of course, that young man will have to be a slave here on our plantation, and you will live in one of the cabins.”
    “As long as it is on this plantation, I will be happy,” Dorena said. “Even if your brother does hate me.”
    “Forget him, honey. Just think about the future and the happy life the Lord has planned for you with the man He has picked for you.”
    Dorena smiled. “Isn’t it wonderful to know that as God’s children, He does plan our lives?”
    “It sure is,” said Priscilla with a soft sigh.
    Both girls grew quiet, and a faraway look captured their eyes as they thought about their futures. After a few minutes, Priscilla took hold of Dorena’s hand.
    “Even though we both know that we will be separated by our cultures, and maybe by miles … let us both vow in our hearts that we will always have our special friendship.”
    “Oh yes,” Dorena said. “Always.”
    “Always,” Priscilla echoed. “Because we are true friends, time and circumstance cannot change our love for each other.”
    “Never,” Dorena said softly.
    Priscilla squeezed her best friend’s hand. “Never.”
    There was silence between them for another brief moment, then Priscilla said, “I’ve thought about it a lot. The Lord will probably bring His chosen young man to me by putting him in our church.”
    “I would think so,” said Dorena. “And the only way I can see the Lord bring His chosen young man for me into my life is for your father to purchase him as a slave.”
    Priscilla smiled. “Unless he’s already here.”
    Dorena shook her head. “Not from what I have to choose from at the moment. As you know, there are some boys my age, but only a few are Christians, and even then, they don’t interest me. They’re nice boys, but …”
    “But not husband material?”
    “For sure.”
    “Well, then, the Lord will have to guide my father in his slave purchases and put that right young man on his heart. And He can certainly do that.”
    “I know He can,” said Dorena, her eyes shining.
    “Oh, honey! It will be wonderful to watch the Lord work in His marvelous way to accomplish His will in both of our lives.”
    “Yes, it will. Dear Priscilla, I’m so glad you brought me to Jesus!”
    “I’m glad I had that privilege,” Priscilla said. She rose from her chair and Dorena stood up too.
    As the girls embraced, Priscilla said, “We’ll make every minute count before we grow up and get married.”
    It was a bright, sunny Sunday in Charleston as the church services let out and the people emerged from the white frame building. They were rejoicing in the good number of people who walked the aisles to open their hearts to Jesus.
    Charles Moore and Zack Johnson stood together talking, squinting against the harsh rays of the sun. Both Evelyn and Catherine held their lacy parasols to block the sun from their faces.
    Zack Johnson noticed a middle-aged couple come out the door. He waved to them. To the Moores, he said, “Charles and Evelyn … have you met Darrell and Roberta Brown? They’re new in town.”
    “We were in the line that greeted them when they joined the church a couple of weeks ago,” Charles said, “but other than that, we haven’t gotten to know them.”
    Zack motioned to the Browns. When they stepped up, he formally introduced them to the Moores, explaining to Charles and Evelyn that the Browns had moved to Charleston from way up in Maine and were New Englanders by birth. They now owned and operated the Main

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