Pushing Limits
    On my way…can’t get you off my mind. 
    I can still feel that scrumptious ass in my hands. 
    Be there in 30.
    “Ok, everybody get out.”  I gesture for everyone to stand, saying,
“You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.  Everybody up. 
Up.”   My delighted smile is immovable from my lips.  I refrain
from doing a booty wiggle and instead concentrate on herding the cats out the
    Everyone says their goodbyes, some with quizzical stares, but they all
gather their stuff, and file out. 
    Turning to Sally, my eyes are deadly serious as I say, “Ok, my
turn.  I need the room.”  I stand, arms crossed.
    Giggling she grabs her stuff.  Turning, she dances to the door,
texting as she goes, doing a cha-cha while singing.  “Amber’s gettin’
la-aid.  Yes, she i -is.  Amber’s gettin’
la-aid.  Yes, she i -is.  Amber’s gettin’
la-aid.”  She continues her dance with a wave as she closes the door
behind her.   I can hear her singing her tune all the way down the
    I shake my head and giggle.  Damn straight.  It’s been too
fucking long.

    A soft knock a few minutes later has me padding to the door anxious to
get Sally whatever she has forgotten, so she can be on her way.  I need to
get ready.  As I open the door, I say, “Girl, we need to get you a key on
    “A key sounds ‘bout right.  That way I can visit you anytime, day,
or night.”  Tommy leans against the doorjamb leering at me with a crooked
grin.  “Hey, darlin’.”  His voice is low and silky, making the
muscles in my stomach clench.
    His eyes drink me in, sliding up and down my body, leaving a burning path
of scalding heat in their wake.  Clutching his helmet as it rests against his
leg, his black motorcycle jacket and a royal blue t-shirt drip sex and biker
cool.  Wow .  I circle my arms around his neck and jump up,
wrapping my legs around his waist as his helmet drops and rolls across the
floor.  My lips begin their assault as my hands hold his face in place as
he shoves the door shut with his boot. 
    With no effort at all, he carries me to the bed, depositing me with a
bounce onto my back.  Raising myself up on my elbows, my eyes feast on
him.  Damn , I want to taste every part of him.   I try
not to drool as he pulls off his jacket, revealing a tight t-shirt that leaves
absolutely nothing to my imagination.  I bite lightly on my lower lip as
my eyes roam over this man.  Shit, just looking at him makes me wet. 
    He smiles that devilish grin I have grown to love, his eyes never leaving
mine, as he places his knee between my legs, knocking my legs open. 
Lowering to rest his hands on both sides of my head, he studies my face. 
His eyes blaze a fiery blue as his lips curve into a wicked smile, his hair a
wild mass of curls.  As he hovers over me, his arms bulge, every muscle
defining these two works of art.  I can’t believe he’s here with me.
    My eyes rip away from his body to focus on his eyes.  Sinking into
those dark blue pools, I’m captivated.  My skin tingles and buzzes with
anticipation, my heart thumping, as I part my lips.  I lie still, waiting,
frozen.  I’m completely lost in those eyes as his body hovers over
me.  I whisper, “Hi.”
    “Hi,” he whispers, stroking my face.  I reach for him, trying to
pull him to me, and he’s immovable.  “Patience, darlin’.  Let me look
at you.” 
    Kiss me . 
    His eyes explore my face as if to memorize every detail.  His
sensual lips are full and inviting.  I nibble on my lower lip,
smiling.  His eyes singe my skin, making my pussy throb.  I feel like
I’m going to jump out of my skin.  But, I wait…at least I try to
wait.  Failing miserably as my anticipation gets the better of me, I reach
for him again murmuring, “Come here…please.” 
    His sapphire blue eyes twinkle as he lowers himself to my lips, grazing
them playfully.  He pulls my hands above my head and

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