Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley

Book: Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley Read Free Book Online
Authors: JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley
permission… and my son.” She softly laughed at the memory. “Tenshi nearly tore Vareen’s door off getting back to his little Mika. They were wed that same day and probably pregnant before the dawn. Never have I seen two people any happier than those two. They have only ever loved each other… since they were but children.”
    “Aye, we should all be so lucky.”
    “Yes. If everyone was so gloriously blessed, I would be out of a job. There would be no need for a Death Angel—were all hearts as pure as theirs.”
    He finished tying her obi and she turned back to face him.
    “Wow… I cannae believe I’m saying this. But, nae have I seen ye look so lovely, Lass.”
    She giggled. “You say that every time, Brother.”
    “Shhh, now. Nae more with this brother stuff. Ye’ve blessed me with my promised day an’ I have yer only son’s noble blessing. I’m bent on changing yer mind where I’m concerned. Nae will I leave ye alone, my love. Ye have eternity tae tell me nae. An’ I have just as long tae convince ye tae say yes.” He kissed her hand. “Now, when we enter the clouds, close yer eyes. I want tae look upon yer lovely face when I tell ye tae open them. Nae have ye seen anything like this before.”
    Her giggles rained down upon Lyra as the happy celestial creatures held hands and flew into the clouds.
    Jenevier had her fingers over Vittorio’s, covering her eyes, as he slowly led her to their magical destination.
    “Just a few more steps, Lass.”
    “Are there people around?”
    “Aye, a few.”
    “They must think me mad—a woman, walking about with her eyes covered.”
    He chuckled. “Aye, an’ talking tae herself all the while.”
    She giggled.
    “We’re here, Lass,” he whispered. “Now, keep yer eyes closed until I tell ye. Promise me.”
    “I promise, Brother… umm… I mean, Vittorio.”
    He removed his hands. She heard his invisible footsteps upon the stones. She waited patiently, eyes tightly shut.
    “Now… open,” he whispered.
    Vittorio had been right. Never had she seen a place such as this. It was pure magic. The ground, the trees, the very air around her was all draped in the loveliest shade of pink she had ever seen. Holding her arms out wide, she spun in a slow circle, letting the delicate petals light upon her cheeks, hide within her curls.
    “Oh… Vittorio… I have not the words.” She looked at him with a smile on her face that would shame the heavens. “I never wish to leave this place. How do you do it? How do you always gift me with such rare magic? How are you even real, sweet Guardian?”
    He wrapped his arms around her. “So, ye like it then?”
    She buried her face in his chest. “I love it. More than feeble words can confess. Promise me something.”
    “Anything, Milady.”
    “When I die, if ever that should happen, bury me here beneath these enchanting trees. And if I turn to ashes, bring them here. Let them mingle with these petals upon the winds.”
    “Aye, Lass. If I live through yer death, I promise tae do just that.”
    “Never let me go,” she whispered.
    “I dunnae plan tae.” He got down on his knees and looked up at her. “Jenevier, Mother of Angels, Empress of Jinn, an’ the only keeper of mine noble heart…”
    Tears blurred her eyes. She tried to blink them away. This perfect man kneeling before her, covered in cherry blossoms, took her breath away. Her heart swelled to bursting.
    “…will ye bestow upon me the greatest honor this universe can even hold? Will ye stay with me always? Will ye accept my manacle an’ be my eternal Anicee? Will ye gift me with yer smile forever an’ make me the happiest man that’s ever lived?”
    She couldn’t stop her tears then. She touched his perfectly sculpted face and smiled so big it made the muscles in her cheeks burn. They gazed upon each other. Words left her. She could only nod… and smile.
    What could be more perfect than this? she thought.
    “Sakura? Is that you?

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