The Venetian Venture

The Venetian Venture by Suzette A. Hill

Book: The Venetian Venture by Suzette A. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzette A. Hill
with us. She does have our phone number. I wouldn’t object except that after Caruso’s boorish behaviour and my broken sleep I am feeling a trifle jaded. Might it be politic if we were to forfeit the drama and leave Venice for a day and visit Vicenza? I’ve always had a hankering to see that splendid Villa Rotunda and I gather there is quite a good train.’
    ‘I think you exaggerate Rosy Gilchrist’s yen for drama. But since it says here that the police want to interview anyone having had contact with the victim recently she may be considering her position and want our advice on the matter. So perhaps—’
    ‘Exactly! I haven’t recovered from our last engagement with Rosy Gilchrist in a police matter. So don’t let us take the risk. A quiet day and a low profile is the answer. I’ll look up the train times.’ Felix bustled to the door and then stopped and tittered. ‘You never know, since she was so furious with the bookseller perhaps this is her revenge. All the more reason to keep out of harm’s way!’
    ‘Hold on,’ Cedric exclaimed, ‘I’ve just remembered: it’s today that Hope-Landers is holding the little gathering at Harry’s Bar. I told you – he invited us a couple of days ago. We can’t duck out now; Vicenza will have to wait.’
    Felix pulled a face. ‘Honestly, the sacrifices one makes!’

    ‘Now, I’m in the chair,’ declared Hope-Landers expansively. ‘What will it be – Bellinis? This
the place you know.’
    He turned to Cedric who said he did know and would prefer a negroni.
    ‘Wise choice,’ said the host. ‘Outside New York this is the best place for them.’ He lowered his voice leaning forward conspiratorially. ‘And I can assure you they have the edge on the Gritti’s – less Campari more gin.’
    Felix opted for the same and glanced round appreciatively at the understated surroundings: the bare floorboards, high windows and plain wooden tables. In fact the only item of any note was the bar itself – an Aladdin’s cave of gleaming spirits and vivid concoctions. Amid the room’s austerity it led the eye like a magnet. The bartender, shaker in hand and svelte in a cream jacket, smiled discreetly as Caruso detached himself from Felix and waddled to the far end and settled himself beneath a bench in the corner. Evidently his customary place.
    ‘You see,’ chuckled Hope-Landers, ‘the dog selects thespot. So that’s where we had better sit, the others won’t be long.’ He ushered them to a table where their drinks were delivered and a saucer and biscuits brought for Caruso.
    ‘So who else is coming?’ Cedric asked. ‘I think you mentioned Mrs Borgino … Is there a—uhm—a Signor Borgino?’
    ‘Not any longer, she sent him packing years ago. But she keeps the name – Lucia Borgino sounds rather better in Venice than Lucia Jones.’ He laughed, and turning to Felix said, ‘Don’t you think?’
    As one who had substituted a
for an
in his own name, Felix was inclined to agree but he had no intention of siding with the likes of Lucia Jones, whoever her grandfather might be. Old snubs died hard with Felix.
    ‘As a matter of fact though,’ Hope-Landers continued, ‘she won’t be coming unescorted. Her brother is staying with her. He visits periodically from London. I
like the chap but he’s not to everyone’s taste.’
    ‘Really? What does he do?’ Felix asked.
    ‘Well … it seems to vary. A versatile cove you might say, though I get the impression without much staying power. He went into his grandfather’s art gallery when he left school but that didn’t last long. Annoyed the customers, too cocksure. Apparently Montgomery went in one day looking for a Cecil Aldin dog picture; and young Edward, thinking he was being clever, had the gall to ask the Field Marshal if he had seen any war service.’ Hope-Landers chuckled. ‘That didn’t go down very well, I can tell you. Not well at all! Still he’s always perfectly

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