Promised to the Crusader

Promised to the Crusader by Anne Herries

Book: Promised to the Crusader by Anne Herries Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Herries
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without a mistress. we must check the stores so that we can begin to prepare for the winter. I would know what linen we have and what preparations are on the shelves of my stillroom—and whether we have stores to feast again this night as we did last.’
    ‘Lord Stornway sent a load of preserves and food, which Lord Zander had ordered for us, lady. The steward says we are well stocked with all we need.’
    ‘Indeed?’ Elaine was slightly annoyed to hear it, for it seemed that Zander was taking over her tasks as chatelaine. He was acting as if hewere her lord and yet he had not asked her to be his wife.
    Just precisely what did he think he was about? What did he want of her? He gave so much, he must want something in return.
    Remembering a look in his eyes the previous night, Elaine thought she knew what Zander wanted. He felt desire for her, if nothing more. Had he kept a distance between them because he thought her still a child?
    No man had kissed her lips since he’d left—or none that she’d allowed, though one or two youths had tried it in their cups, to their sorrow after she’d kicked them. Yet Elaine was not innocent. She had understood the meaning of those gyrations the dancers made, and the sensual music of drums and the lyre had not left her untouched.
    She tossed her head, determined to have her way. ‘I shall start as I mean to go on—summon my ladies and I shall assign you all duties. I want to know everything there is in the house: silver, pewter, pots and chattels. You and I will make a start with the linen…’
    Hearing the woman’s sigh of resignation, Elaine smiled. Her people had grown lax and must mend their ways, for she intended to be mistress in her own home.

Chapter Seven
    Z ander noticed the bustle and stir as he entered the house. He could smell lavender and beeswax and every maid or serf in the house seemed to be busy.
    ‘What is going on here?’ he asked of a passing housecarl.
    ‘Lady Elaine has set us all working. She wants an inventory of everything—and those not put to that are either scrubbing or polishing, my lord.’
    ‘Ah, I see.’
    A little smile touched his lips. It seemed that Elaine had decided to show her authority and take the reins into her own hands—or perhaps she had been as restless as he had after the previous night. Perhaps her blood hadheated watching the dancers, as his had, which was one of the reasons he’d pushed himself so hard in the training yard. He’d slept but fitfully the previous night, for the dancing had aroused such need in him that his mind was filled with pictures of what might have been.
    Zander had found it difficult to sleep with Elaine lying in such close proximity. He’d wanted to walk through the door and passage that connected them and claim her for his own, but he’d resisted valiantly. She was a gentle lady and would have been shocked had he taken her from her bed, kissing her awake and then making love to her. Besides, he could not afford to let himself become seduced by her beauty and the softness of her skin.
    Once he felt strong enough, he must go in search of their mutual enemy and force Newark to meet him in single combat. It was the only way to settle what was between them, for otherwise many lives could be lost and too much blood spilled.
    Going to his chamber, Zander stripped off his clothing and began to wash the sweat and dirt from his body with cold water from a silver ewer. He used a washing cloth and a scented soap to smooth over his skin before applying some of the oil that he’d purchased on his travels.It smelled of musk and ambergris and, if rubbed into the skin, kept his muscles from aching and helped to heal the wounds he’d received when the renegade Saracens had found him burying Tom. He would have died that day, left to bleed out his life alone beneath a burning sun, had not Janvier and his servants found him in time. He dismissed the thoughts, for those pain-filled nights were behind him.
    After it

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