Private Pleasures

Private Pleasures by Jami Alden Page B

Book: Private Pleasures by Jami Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Alden
Tags: Kat, C429, Usenet, Exratorrents
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sexes pressed as though fused together.
    He gave another thrust, she gave another squeeze, and then he bucked hard, his muscles pulling tight as his cock twitched and pulsed inside of her.
    Watching his face, his body's reaction, feeling every throb as he came buried deep inside her body, set off another wave of pleasure inside of her.
    It was like nothing she'd ever felt before, as though his pleasure not only sparked hers but became hers, making her cry out as she trembled and shuddered around him in a release that was even more powerful than the first.
    Drew gathered her against him and settled his back against the back of the lounger as they both struggled to catch their breath.
    His big hand splayed across her back and she tucked her head under his chin.
    "That was...." he started.
    "Yeah," she breathed in response.
    "I don't remember the last time I came that hard," he said, as much to himself as to her.
    "Me too," Wendy replied, taking stock of her still shaking limbs, her skin that was still ultra sensitive under his hand. Her eyes drifted shut as she thought back to those last, amazing moments, when he'd been so deep inside her, the way their pleasure seemed to meld and merge, making everything more intense, more amazing. "I've never felt so...."
    She snapped her lips closed before the word escaped. No, no, there was no connection here, or feelings to explore or any of those other horrible cliches that made up ninety percent of the dialogue on dumb shoes like The Bachelor . So even though Drew had been sweet to her—oh, God, who would have thought the words "sweet" and "Drew" would occur in the same phrase in her head—taking her snorkeling, and even though he'd completely rocked her sexual world with not one but two amazing orgasms, there was no room for any connection here.
    It wasn't even like they were friends. Come to think of it, she wasn't even sure if she liked him. She frowned at the thought, wondering what that might say about her.
    Then again, she wasn't even sure he liked her that much. Who cared?
    Not her, she told herself, though the pit that settled in her stomach at the thought said otherwise.
    "Hmmm, you're starting to get a little pink," Drew murmured against the top of her head as he pressed his fingers lightly against the skin of her shoulder. "We should—"
    Wendy pushed herself up from his chest, cutting him off. "I need to get going anyway. They'll be back soon—"
    "They'll be gone for at least two more hours," he said.
    "Yeah, well, I should check my email and see if anyone has responded to my comments," she said, scrambling for a towel, suddenly self conscious as she felt the bright sun on her naked skin, completely exposed to that icy, penetrating gaze.
    Drew stood up, completely unfazed by his own nudity as he made a quick detour to dispose of the condom. Wendy had managed to get her bikini more or less back into place.
    "Your computer is here, you can check here," he said, an edge to his voice.
    Oh, God, he was almost too tempting, all those rippling muscles, tan everywhere except between his waist and his knees, the contrast somehow making him look even more naked. "No," she said, swallowing hard to moisten a mouth gone suddenly dry. "This has been great, but I really need to go now."
    He looked like he was going to say something then thought better of it, his jaw clenching hard, the muscles in his arms tightening as he folded them across his chest.
    She retrieved her cover up and computer with Drew shadowing her but still saying nothing. On her way out she paused, her hand on the doorknob. "So I'll see you later then?" Inwardly she cringed at her own lameness.
    "Sure," he said curtly, his naked body radiating tension.
    Wendy allowed herself one last, covetous look. Because if she knew what was good for her, this was the last time she'd be anywhere near a naked Drew Walker.
    Drew stood in that same spot, staring at the door like an idiot for several moments after she

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