Private Pleasures

Private Pleasures by Jami Alden Page A

Book: Private Pleasures by Jami Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Alden
Tags: Kat, C429, Usenet, Exratorrents
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watching him sink slowly in, then out, his cock shiny with her juice. She loved the look of his skin, so dark against hers as their bodies came together.
    She loved the sound of his groans rumbling from his chest, the way they melded with her own softer, higher pitched sounds of pleasure.
    Loved how he told her how beautiful she was, how fucking her was better than he could have ever imagined. "Christ, I love how you fuck me," he murmured, leaning up give her nipple a firm tug with his lips. "That's it,' he encouraged her as her hips moved faster, harder as her climax hovered just beyond her reach.
    She watched as he slid his fingers between their bodies and spread her pussy lips to expose the moist, swollen bud of her clit. Her body tightened with every stroke, every cell quivering in anticipation as she watched his thumb circle her.
    "That's it," he whispered as her body started to shudder. "Come on my cock. I want to feel you come around me, squeezing me so tight I can barely move."
    A harsh cry ripped from her throat as she opened her knees wider, trying to take him even deeper as her orgasm rushed through her. His fingers dug into her hips in an almost painful grip as he held himself deep, deep inside of her until the last ripples of her climax faded.
    She sprawled on his chest and it took her several seconds to realize he was still hard as a rock, lodged firmly inside of her. Holding her to him, he sat up and somehow managed to adjust the seatback up even though she was draped bonelessly over him.
    He cupped her face with in his big hands took her mouth in a slow deep, kiss. Despite his earlier urgency he didn't seem in any hurry to come but was content to hold himself inside her, not moving as his lips explored every inch of her mouth, neck, shoulders . "God, I love watching you come," he whispered hotly in her ear. "I love knowing I'm the one who did it."
    There was something in his voice, a note of possession she wanted to ignore but that thrilled her nonetheless. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, shifted a little against him and felt her sexual languor begin to dissipate at the feel of him still so hard and deep inside of her.
    Her pussy gave him a little squeeze, eliciting a grunt of pleasure as he threw his head back, his jaw clenched tight. She started to move, a subtle little rocking, but he held her hips fast. "No, not yet. I want to enjoy you for a little bit longer."
    Her stomach did a little flip at his choice of words. "enjoy you." not "enjoy this" or even "fucking her" but "you." When was the last time, she wondered fleetingly, any of her lovers had truly enjoyed her.
    She shoved the thought away as silly and gave herself a mental kick. Surely there was a joke about how only a lawyer could be so analytical even during sex.
    Then the thought was gone and she wasn't capable of thinking about anything but his big, hard hands cupping her breasts, bringing her nipples to his mouth to lick and suck. He sucked her hard, closed his teeth over her until pleasure danced on the razor's edge of pain.
    Her body came back to searing life as her pussy clenched tight with every firm draw of his lips, milking, squeezing, urging him to move and stop the torture.
    Finally he did, his hips rocking underneath her, driving his cock in short, deep thrusts, barely moving. She ground against him, pressing her clit against the ridge of his pubic bone as her hips circled, on him in a delicious counter rhythm.
    Everything came into sharp focus. The hot sun, the salty breeze, the sounds of the waves lapping on the beach mingling with their harsh breath and low moans of pleasure. She watched a bead of sweat roll from Drew's hairline down his cheek. She was so close she could see every pore in his skin, each whisker that darkened the line of his jaw. She looked down and watched the hard, hair-roughened muscles of his chest graze the red tips of her breasts. The pale skin of her stomach brushed his ridged abs.
    And lower, where their

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