    Lizzy was worried about far more than that. Had seeing her make such a spectacular hash of her first auction made Nat fancy her less?
    Well, it may have done, but the corresponding spike in testosterone that Nat got whenever he pulled off a great sale had more than made up for any diminishment Lizzy had suffered in his eyes. Nothing made him feel more like fucking than the applause of his audience—especially an audience of his peers—when he blasted through a high estimate. The last thing he wanted to do when he was on such a high was go home alone. And so Lizzy was thrilled to be invited to share some supper and a taxi. And even more delighted when, as usual, Nat suggested that she get out at his place.
    As it turned out, it was a great way to end a terrible day. The sex that night was simply fabulous. Lizzy laughed with delight as Nat picked her up and carried her through to the bedroom without stopping to complain about his knee. He threw her onto the counterpane and jumped on top of her, kissing her wildly until she stopped giggling and responded with the proper passion he required.
    Lizzy felt borne to the top of a wave by her desire andNat’s all too obvious lust for her. Her body sang for Nat Wilde. In his arms she felt like the beautiful woman she’d always wanted to be. His kiss had the power to transform her from the dumpy girl who never quite felt at home in her skin into a siren. Lizzy had always found the thought of someone crying out as they came embarrassing, but when Nat Wilde made love to her, Lizzy wanted to shout.
    As he thrust into her, she took hold of his buttocks, pulling him farther and farther in. She wanted every inch of him. Every bit of him she could get. Feeling him stiffen in the moment before he orgasmed, Lizzy felt quite incredibly powerful. She loved that he lost control before she did. It meant that she was irresistible to him, didn’t it? He couldn’t hold back because he wanted her so much. As he shuddered on top of her, the Trebarwen sale was all but forgotten.
    That night he was so kind to her. As she lay in his arms in the delicious afterglow, she felt so protected, so secure. Nat had soothed away the pain of making such a hash of her first auction. He had restored her confidence with his desire for her, so that she felt sure that one day soon she would get up on that podium again. Nestling with her head on his chest, Lizzy felt so close to him. It was time to tell him the truth, she decided. That she had been a virgin when he’d first made love to her.
    “Nat,” she murmured close to his ear.
    “Mmmmm?” he responded dreamily.
    “There’s something I’ve got to tell you,” she continued in a whisper. “About the first time that you and I made love. The thing is, Nat. I know you’re going to think this is silly. You may not even believe me. But the first time that you and I … well …”
    She paused. Seconds away from revealing the truth. But the dramatic silence was interrupted by a snore. Nat Wilde was asleep.


    T hat same day, Julian Trebarwen was in Cornwall. He received the detailed results of the Ludbrook’s sale via email.
    “Well,” said Julian when he called his brother, Mark, who was in Singapore again. “I hope you’ve got the champagne on ice. Nat Wilde sold everything.”
    “Yep, absolutely everything, from that hideous credenza to our mother’s fake pearl earrings.”
    “I think you’ll be pleased with the figure.” Julian recited the digits.
    “What? That’s incredible!” It was far more than either of them had expected.
    “I know. But there were obviously some good lots in there. Apparently those nasty gold earrings in the shape of frogs were actually Cartier, which made a big difference. And can you believe that old painting of the greyhounds made twenty-five grand?”
    “ Old painting?” said Mark.
    “Yeah. Can’t say I’d even noticed it before the funeral. It was

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