Preserving Hope

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Book: Preserving Hope by Alex Albrinck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Albrinck
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approached, he could see noticeable lumps on both heads, and blood was staining their clothing. Nicholas, who had been seeking cloths and water, saw Will and stopped. “I hope we didn’t wake you, sir.”
    Will shook his head. “What happened?”
    “The hidden thieves. They must have been here yesterday. We didn’t see them. These men were jumped from behind on their way home from the pub. Relieved of all of the coins they made earlier in the day.”
    “How long ago were they attacked?” As he asked the question, Will had an inspiration, and ordered his healing nanos to split up and move into the two men and help cure their injuries. He could sense the nanos’ departure; with luck, they’d accelerate the healing process even with only half the usual number working in each man.
    “They arrived here about fifteen minutes ago; I’d guess they were attacked in the past half hour.”
    Will nodded, and walked to the door. “Hey!” Nicholas shouted after him. “Where are you going? Didn’t you hear me? These men were attacked not long ago!”
    “I know,” Will said. “It means their attackers are still nearby.” He walked out the door, to the incredulous stare of the innkeeper.
    Will sent out a blast of Energy, seeking out strong emotion. Most people were asleep, and any emotions they might experience due to dreams were heavily muted. He sensed two men, perhaps a quarter mile away, and the emotion was one of violence and greed, the thoughts of the large number of coins they’d stolen.
    Gotcha, Will thought. He teleported to the spot.
    He appeared behind the two men just as the thieves were joined by a third man, one Will recognized as a rather unskilled trader he’d transacted with earlier that day. He realized as he emerged from the teleportation that he probably should have avoided such an act. Thankfully, the men didn’t see him appear in the darkness. Will used his push-Empathy skills, and the three men were suddenly quite aware that they were being followed, and were frightened about what might happen to them. They turned, skittish, and found a single man behind them, armed with… nothing.
    Their nervous laughter quickly turned to the evil cackle of men ready to perpetrate a crime. Will could feel their greed and anger, and sense their glee at finding an unarmed man to provide them an even greater haul of treasure without needing to work, for they recognized Will as one of the master Traders who had profited so greatly throughout the day. The three men drew their swords and advanced on Will.
    Will sighed. “This happens to me all the time. Three guys with swords attack me when I’m unarmed. Is there no honor among you thieves?”
    The man who’d joined the two who had jumped the local residents cackled. “Cut the fancy talk and hand over your gold.” He swiped his blade at the empty air in front of him, and the sword created a swishing sound meant to intimidate Will into surrender.
    Will considered the demand, then shrugged. “No, I think I’ll hang on to what I have. And the three of you can return what you stole.”
    The thieves looked at each other and burst out laughing. Then they advanced on Will, blades at the ready. “Hand it over, now!” The leader of the trio seemed to prefer the option where Will refused again, so that they could rough him up as they’d done to the others. Will guessed this without even needing his telepathic or empathic skills. Not wanting to disappoint, he complied with the unspoken wish. “I rather like my coins, so I’ll just keep them.”
    The leader of the thieves laughed. “I’m not giving you a choice.” The three thieves pounced on Will, swords slashing at the man.
    Their swords slashed through empty air, each man striking one of his companions. They were in shock, partly due to the savage wounds the blades had inflicted, but partly because they had no idea what had happened to their target, a man who just a moment earlier had been surrounded without means

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