Poisonous Pleasure
surroundings and thought about how dead everything looked. It was downright depressing. The brown colors made the thick clustered trees look dull and lifeless. Footsteps walking up in the distance had her turning in the direction of her men.
    “So, are you ready to learn to control the elements? I can’t even do this, but I’m assuming you can, so we’ll test it out. The only supernatural who can perform this hard task are witches. And trust me. You don’t want to mess with them. I once had a spell put on me that left me bedridden for a week. And
is hard to accomplish.”
    Music began to fill the air. Looking into the sky, Marcella brought her gaze down to narrow her eyes at Dominic. “Is this really necessary? I mean, how am I supposed to concentrate when you’re jamming out in the background?”
    “This song
help you concentrate. Your first element is fire. Since we’re on the topic of witches, you will become one, feel what they feel, imagine everyday being ridiculed for your religion. Pagans, Wiccans, whatever path they’ve decided, they still believe very highly in their Goddess. I want you to let the music flow through you. Let it drift into your fingertips.”
    Dominic manifested a sand pit filled with a large bonfire. The flames reached just over her height. “Now, here’s your fire. Make it rise and fall at your command...”
    Marcella no longer thought music was a bad idea. She’d always loved listening to it, but Dom usually did it as a joke. This was nothing to laugh about. The words to the song affected her the moment she closed her eyes. Every word meant something, every sentence told a story.
    The lyrics kept mentioning the air we breathe, repeating endlessly in her mind. She felt something for the sentence and the way it was sung. Cobwebs began taking over and she let them. They shot through her so quickly she barely noticed when the wind picked up around her.
    For a long time she stood motionless. The song began to repeat and she continued to see darkness behind her closed lids. With every beat of the drums in the background, she felt her heart jump. Air caressed her skin making it feel alive as wind whipped past her again. The words that grabbed her began to reiterate, and she opened her eyes slowly taking in her surroundings.
    Everything felt the same, yet not. Dominic stared at Jason, paying attention to what he was doing. Marcy looked at the trees and saw something she’d never seen before. They were alive, pulsing with radiating colors. Greens of multiple shades, shades she never even knew existed, vibrated out against the bark. Captivated, she felt the need to walk over and caress the wall of energy.
    Instead of causing too much attention, she leaned down, stoking her fingers through the carpet grass. Life filled her, causing the strongest bond of love to the earth she’d ever felt. Everything her eyes came in contact with had rhythm and almost looked as if it breathed. The feeling left her overwhelmed to praise someone at their magnificence.
    Suddenly, she felt the need to speak, but wasn’t sure exactly what planned to spill from her lips. The collector inside stirred, and fought with the Wiccan for control. It was enough to snap her back to reality and focus on what she was supposed to be doing. Deciding she’d take her chances, she parted her lips and let her mind take over.
    “Goddess, you have made your presence known, for I feel you. Now, I ask that you hear me. I call to the element of air. Please allow it to hear me and follow my commands.” Marcella placed her palms toward the sky, letting the sun warm her skin. Energy flowed evenly around her. In harmony. “I ask that you let it caress my skin upon my request. With every gust of wind, I’ll know I’ve been blessed.”
    The wind picked up gently, slowly spinning around her feet and making its way up her body. “Wind, hear my call. Come to me. Please do as I ask.”
    Unexplainably calm, she stood staring at

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