Poisonous Pleasure
apologize for hurting him. In her mind, she could see him standing before her in his beautiful, tall, muscular form. Dressing him in a pair of loose fitting jeans with a long sleeve, black shirt, Marcella ran her hands up his arms. The way the fabric clung to Dominic’s build had her heart pounding with wanting him, again. Blond curls hung next to his bright blue eyes, eyes that called to her.
    “If you needed me you could have just yelled. Summoning is for masters only. It’s a skill you shouldn’t be able to possess unless you indeed have power over me. Which I guess, means you do.”
    Marcella opened her eyes. Dominic stood before her in exactly what she imagined. Shock mixed with something altogether indescribable made the words catch in her throat. All she could do was stare at his gorgeous face.
    “Marcy, did you need something?” His tone caressed her skin. The anger was gone. He sounded more wounded, than anything.
    “I’m sorry about the fire. If I would have known you didn’t like heat, I promise I would have never of lost my temper. As for the summoning, I think I found the link you were looking for, the one that connects us. Once it hit me, I knew I could bring you to me no matter where you are. Don’t you see, Dom? They could take you away, but they’d never be able to keep us apart. I’d bring you back to me every time.”
    Before Marcella could finish her last word, her body was colliding with his chest. Large arms engulfed her, squeezing her tightly into him.
    “I knew something would come out of it, but never that. Do you know what this means? I’m free of them. Free!”
    Confused, she looked up at him. “But Dom, where does that leave you? What happens?”
    He shifted her in his arms, cradling her like a child. “Nothing can change what I am. I’m still a demon. I’ll still have to collect souls, just not for them. For you.” He paused looking at her. “I can get the bad ones, deliver them to you. Then you can decide where they go. But…” His face looked perplexed as he walked to sit them down on the bed.
    Jason shook his head. “You can’t tell them. They’ll come after her. You said yourself. When someone feels threatened, they attack. She’ll be killed if they think she can take demons under her control.”
    “You’re right. I’m going to have to go along with what they say. It’s the only way to keep her safe.”
    Marcella wiggled from his arms and stood before Dominic’s crushed face. “If they take you, I’m bringing you back. I won’t let them possibly torture you. I can’t.”
    “Let’s not think about that right now. We still have some time. At least we know what the link is. We can use it to our advantage if we ever need to. Let’s just hope they give me a new list and be done with it. Now manifest some clothes and go take a shower. We need to be outside for the next part of training for both of you.”
    Completely focused on what would happen to Dominic, the clothes didn’t even register as a concern. Flashes of her old wardrobe filtered through her mind, mostly brand name apparel, but a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt caught her attention long enough for her to grab them. Weight settled into her hand, pulling her from the plan to help save her mate.
“I did it?”
    “See, it’s easy. You try too hard. Now go get ready. This next step will be a lot easier for you than poor Jason. He won’t stand a chance.”
    Concerned, Marcella looked toward her boyfriend. She was almost afraid to know what Dom had planned for them next. Would it be extremely hard or dangerous? She almost was afraid to find out.

    Chapter 6
    Clouds covered the sky, momentarily blocking the sun. Although it was barely noon, the humidity was enough to make sweat break across Marcella’s skin. The breeze that usually came with being along the coast was absent, leaving behind nothing but the heat.
    Brush, not an acre from the back of the mansion encircled them. Marcella looked at her

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