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Book: Poison by Leanne Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leanne Davis
Tags: Suspense, Contemporary
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from John.
    “It’s nine o’clock in the morning.”
    “I had to see for myself that you and Tim were really okay.”
    “Aunt Kelly?” Tim said from the living room. Kelly squealed and went about greeting Tim as she had the rest of them.
    “Have you grown ten inches since I’ve seen you? Are you driving yet?”
    Tim giggled. “No Aunt Kelly, I’m only six. You wanna come see my new room? I’m going to stay in it forever, right mom?” That quick, Tim and Kelly were off bounding up the stairs.
    “Good lord that’s Kelly?” Sarah grimaced. “She’s quite—”
    “Something,” Cassie interjected. “She’s a firecracker in every room she comes into.”
    “More like a bomb,” Sarah muttered.
    Cassie glared at her.
    “What’s she doing here?” Luke asked.
    “I don’t know. I thought she was going to stay away because she’s so high profile she’d be easy to follow. I hope she’s okay.”
    “She’s okay? You’re the one with a psycho ex-husband stalking you, and you’re worried about her? Please tell me her problems can’t be worse than yours,” Sarah said.
    Cassie shrugged. “Could be.”
    “Yeah well, just so long as we don’t have to save her too,” Sarah muttered.
    “Look Sarah, I know you’re pissed at me about last night, and I’m sorry I lost my temper with you.” Cassie paused to finally meet John’s gaze. He shook his head. John hadn’t told Sarah about what happened between them last night. “And I’m sorry to all of you if Tim and my problems are taking over your lives. I’ll talk to Kelly, maybe we could go with her.”
    “No.” Luke put a hand on Cassie’s forearm. “I don’t care if Sarah is inconvenienced; you and Tim are staying with us. No matter how long it takes to guarantee you’re both safe.”
    Cassie smiled. “Thank you. You’re too good to us.”
    “We’ve been over this before, I’m not willing to let you or that little boy get hurt. And whatever Kelly’s brought along with her, we’ll deal with it. You need to be here with us.”
    “Why do you make me out to be the bad guy?” Sarah asked. “I just worry. From what I hear of this husband stalking Cassie, you and John could be in danger too, and I don’t like that. And I wasn’t prepared for this Kelly to be part of the deal.”
    “You just don’t seem to get that a little boy’s life is involved. This is serious stuff, but then again, I know that’s hard for you to get,” Luke glared at Sarah. Sarah’s back straightened, and her face turned red.
    “You are nothing but a—”
    “Stop it,” John interrupted. “Cassie and Tim are staying. Cassie doesn’t need you to be her self-proclaimed hero Luke. Leave Sarah out of it, it’s not her fault she’s even involved with this.”
    “Yeah I’m only in this because I love John. And you’re jealous because you don’t want your brother to move on or away from you.”
    “You what?” John’s mouth opened, and his eyes bugged out.
    Sarah placed her hand on John’s arm. “I love you. Come on, you know I do.”
    “How dare you suggest I’d want to hold my brother back in his life.” Luke balled his fists at his sides.
    Sarah turned to Luke. Her lips pulled back in a sneer. “Bullshit. What are you doing already? Your wife died and John’s stuck here—”
    “Damn, John’s girlfriend, did you just proclaim your love for John in front of all of us? And I gather by John’s face that’s the first he’s heard of it. You all are going to make for some interesting roommates,” Kelly said, interrupting what was fast becoming an explosive fight. Cassie turned to Kelly as she came sauntering down the stairs.
    “Oh no way are you going to be living in this house too,” Sarah exclaimed.
    “Oh yeah I am. This is my sister and where she is, I’m going to be from now on. Why? You’re not jealous, are you?”
    “Of what?”
    “Me. You’ve been shooting daggers at me since I walked in. Don’t worry I’m not into John, he’s like my

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