Devil's Fall: Dust Bowl Devils MC
specks of gold in the sunlight. "I just don't want to add a horde of jealous strippers to the list of people who want to kill me."
    He laughed. Maybe it was simply exhaustion or maybe it was the absurd image of being chased and stabbed by a sequin-wearing amazon wielding a stiletto shoe, but it burst from him unexpectedly and involuntarily.
    "Come on," he said. He swung his leg back over his bike. She followed a moment later with a quiet, regretful sigh. Maybe she did want him to fuck her on the side of the highway. Well there's plenty of miles between here and home. It'll happen.
    He had no intention of hitting the road that night, though. He wasn't about to let Bill order him about like an unruly son. He was going to take Senna to his apartment - another first, he never brought girls to his place - shower, sleep in a proper bed, and begin their journey when he damn well felt like it. He was in no rush to subject her to Bill's judgment. He had a suspicion he knew how it was going to end, and she was not going to be happy about it.
    He needed a shower above all else, so he pointed her towards the kitchen of his little studio apartment before grabbing a towel. His cut, he hung on a hook at the front door. The rest of his clothes he idly considered burning.
    He found her standing over the stove when he finally emerged from the bathroom, blessedly clean and wearing only the towel around his waist. She had something sizzling away in a frying pan. Damn. Now there's a sight I never thought I'd see. The little domestic scene ought to have made him at least temporarily pleased, but he was only filled with guilt. Alvarez would have never believed this, either. This was his stupid dream, his image for the future. Not mine. He had lived just as fast and hard as Gunner ever had. At least until a few years back when he'd claimed he was leaving the partying life behind before moving in with his mother. That was when I should have known something was wrong . Instead he’d pulled away. They'd rarely seen each other again after that.
    "You okay?" she asked. He didn't realize she'd seen him there. "You said anything in the fridge. I found eggs, and I figured since I bought some bread earlier-"
    "You went out?" That pulled him back into the present. "I told you not to."
    "I wasn't sure if you were coming back." There was that quiet expression again. The unreadable face. The one that he more and more enjoyed wiping away in whatever way he could manage.
    "I said I would, didn't I? You think I'm a liar?" He sounded more angry than he actually was. Really what he felt was impatience, and an all-consuming need to be inside her now that they were so alone and safe from being bothered.
    She turned back to the stove."I don't. I know you aren't."
    "I didn't say it just for the fun of bossing you around," he said, coming up behind her and standing in her space, "As much as I would enjoy that." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. "I said it to keep you safe. What if Jupiter had discovered you earlier?"
    She leaned back into him. "I know."
    "Turn off the stove."
    "Turn it off."
    She turned the knob, then moved to face him. He stopped her. "No." He crushed her tighter against him. The feel of her ass so soft against his cock had him hard again in moments. "Feel that?" She nodded. "You did that. You sorry about that, too?" He let his towel drop and felt more than heard her sharp breath.
    "I'm not sorry about that." She reached around to touch him but he pushed her hand away.
    "Stand on your toes." She did as he instructed just as he bent his knees, positioning himself between her thighs. He held his cock between her legs and wished he'd yanked her shorts off first. "You see this?"
    Her fingertips brushed the head, tentative, waiting for him to stop her again. He didn't - even that light contact was enough to send a shudder through him. "I see it."
    "I'm going to put this inside

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