Calling Me Home
I didn’t want you to think you were trapped.”
    “Why would being with you ever be a trap? I love you, Ashleigh, and I have to know that you’re never going to leave me. That you’re never going to try and do what’s best for me without asking me.”
    “Never? Like, not pick up your favorite beer or coconut water while I’m shopping? Or start giving you a blow job while you’re sleeping?” I grinned at him and let my hand drift down his chest and circle his cock.
    “I’m serious, Ashleigh. You have to promise to talk to me, or I’m going to drive myself crazy waiting for you to leave me again.”
    “I’m sorry,” I said, my heart aching at his hurt.
    “Don’t do it again.”
    “I promise.”
    I trailed my fingers over his chest, then lower and began to unzip his jeans. I wanted him to feel the promise in my touch. He expanded beneath my hand. “I want you so much it scares me,” I whispered.
    “Do you get that I feel it just as much as you?” he asked. The effort he put into keeping his voice steady showed in his tight jaw.
    “I think I do. Now.”
    He snapped his eyes shut and groaned, pulsing his hips toward my fist.
    I’d been too busy with my own feelings to understand what Luke loving me meant. I wanted to make him feel good, safe—like I would never leave. But he was right; I’d assumed the worst—that he wouldn’t need me as much as I needed him. I’d skipped past the bit where we told each other how we were feeling. I hadn’t trusted him that things were different between us now, that this wasn’t an unrequited love affair anymore.
    “I’m sorry,” I said. “I should never have seen leaving as an option.”
    He sat up, took off my jeans with lightning speed and pulled me across him so I sat facing him, straddling his hips, our bodies brushing against each other.
    “No, you shouldn’t have.” He smoothed his hands across my lower back and down over my ass, urging me closer. I slid over his cock, feeling the hardness rub through my underwear against my clit. Nobody could make me feel this way. He cracked me open and seeped inside every part of me.
    “I’m learning. This adjustment . . . between us, I had to get used to it too. I guess I’m still adjusting.” I dipped my head forward and placed a small kiss on the edge of his mouth.
    “Let’s learn together, baby. Don’t shut me out. Don’t be doing pregnancy tests without me. I want to share all that shit with you.”
    “I promise.”
    He twisted a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. “Good.” His face broke out into his most mischievous grin as he gripped my hips and pressed his thumbs under my hips. “And you’re not saying that because you want me to make you come?”
    I wrapped my arms around his neck, my nipples grazing his hard chest. “Mostly no.”
    “Incorrigible.” He grunted as he pushed me over his cock. I needed my underwear off in a hurry.
    Suddenly, he paused. “Shit, are we okay to have sex?”
    I frowned. “You going to go nine months without? Of course we’re okay.”
    “I’ll be gentle,” he whispered.
    “You better not be.”
    He flipped me to my back and trailed his lips down my body, taking my panties as he went. I stripped off my top and bra.
    He grinned against my thigh then pushed his tongue down into my slit. I sank into the mattress, his breath wiping away any last flickers of anxiety. He hummed against my sensitive flesh as his tongue stroked and circled, my skin sending tiny vibrations of pleasure to dance outward along my thighs. My back arched, the intensity taking over my body.
    I rocked against his mouth, and he slid two fingers into me as his tongue concentrated on my clit. “You taste like love,” he murmured.
    “You are so good at this.”
    “We are so good at this.” Did he mean sex, or did he mean us? Both, perhaps.
    I needed to touch him, and he knew it. His thumb replaced his mouth, and he crawled up my body, allowing me to reach around him and press my

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