Plain Jane

Plain Jane by Fern Michaels

Book: Plain Jane by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
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was much more interested in what was in the boxes than what was going on outside the windows. Even when the clerk handed over the bag of burgers, he made no move to check it out.
    â€œI’ll park, and you can eat,” Trixie told him as she wheeled the car into a parking space. “I know this is all strange to you, but Fred and I will give you a really good life. I lied when I told Jake that our last dog died of old age. The truth is we never had any animals because we traveled so much. But we’ve always wanted one. We adore Olive. She’s a springer spaniel. I’ll bet you’ll like her, too.” She took the paper off the first burger. “Look, here’s a Whopper without all that junk, just good old ground beef.” Flash only looked at her. “No, huh?” She shrugged. “Okay, maybe later. Let’s go home so you can meet Fred.” When he still didn’t move, Trixie got out of the car, walked around to the back, opened the tailgate, and climbed in next to him. Tears blurred her eyes as she stroked his massive head. “It’s going to be all right, Flash. That’s a promise.” She continued to croon to the dog, then cupped his snout in her hands and planted a kiss on his nose. “I know just how you feel, big guy. How about I turn on the radio and we listen to Dr. Jane Lewis dispense her invaluable advice?”
    Trixie locked the tailgate and stood staring at the dog through the tinted windows. A lump formed in her throat. Had she made a mistake taking on the police dog? Would Fred be upset with her? Yes, but only for a minute. Then he would fall in love with Flash and fret over him the way she was doing now. Together they’d work it out. They always had.

    Jane groaned as she rolled over and crunched her face into the soft down pillow. Every bone and muscle in her body ached from her run the previous day. She moaned again, knowing she had to wake up. Something exciting was supposed to happen today. What was it? She tried to home in on it as she burrowed deeper into the bedclothes. Whatever it was, it could wait, she thought a moment later. She needed to sleep some more. Besides, it wasn’t even light out yet. No one in her right mind got up when it was still dark, especially on a Saturday morning.
    She moved her leg sideways under the covers, searching for Olive. There she was, in her usual position, sleeping soundly. One more reason not to get up. Sighing with satisfaction, she rolled onto her side, raised her knees, and heard a yelp followed by a loud thump.
    Jane sat bolt upright, thinking she’d pushed Olive off the bed. “Oh, Ollie, I’m—” Olive sat up and looked at her. “I thought—What—?” Her eyebrows arched as she peeked over the side of the bed. Nothing. She threw the covers back, swung her legs over the side, and . . . felt a furry body beneath her feet.
    She let out a strangled sound as she hopped across whatever it was.
    â€œWhat’s your hurry, Miss Jane?” an amused voice asked.
    Jane whirled around to see the same young boy she’d seen in her last dream sitting in her rocking chair. “I—You—What the hell did I step on?”
    â€œIt was Jeeter. You pushed him off the bed.”
    Jane looked down but didn’t see the dog. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. “I hope I didn’t hurt him,” she said, heading back to bed.
    â€œWhat are you doing?”
    â€œWhat’s it look like I’m doing? I’m going back to bed. It isn’t time to wake up.”
    The boy jumped out of the chair and blocked her path. “You can’t go back to bed. You’ve got company coming.”
    â€œBeat it, will you? I’m tired. I’ve had a rough week, and I need all the sleep I can get. Dreamless sleep, if you don’t mind.”
    â€œThis is not a dream. Jeeter and me—we’re spirits,” the boy said, wrinkling his face into a

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