Phantom Scars

Phantom Scars by Rose Von Barnsley

Book: Phantom Scars by Rose Von Barnsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Von Barnsley
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getting back into our routine would be good for both of us. I wasn't sure I agreed with him, but he had given Emma an extra bottle of pills to take if it started to be too much.
    Clayton wandered around dazed, making mistakes left and right. I finally snapped, after he mixed the whipping cream in with the grits. "Clayton, what the heck happened to you?" I asked, taking the horrid mixture away from him. Maybe momma could come up with a new dessert recipe to salvage it.
    He smiled at me, as if I hadn't even yelled at him. "It was amazing. I know you hear about it in the locker room, and you think about it. I couldn't even begin to imagine it until Jen…”
    "What the heck did she do to you?"
    "She's a goddess, an angel. Devin, I swear, I never thought it’d be as good as that, but I was wrong. She’s heaven."
    I looked at him confused, and so he leaned in, whispering, "We did it. She took me to heaven, Devin, she's a freaking angel!"
    Just then, Jen walked in and smiled, when she caught him talking about her. She walked over and kissed his cheek then slapped her order on the counter and walked out. I picked it up and got to work on it.
    "How come you didn't tell me?" Clayton frowned.
    "Tell you what?" I asked confused.
    "That it’s so great. I mean, it was amazing! I waited all this time, and I've seriously been missing out."
    "Yeah, but Clayton, do you really think it would’ve been that good with anyone other than Jen?" I asked.
    He smiled softly. "No, I'm glad it was her. She's just…"
    "Amazing, an angel, I know," I said cutting him off.
    Clayton laughed and punched my shoulder. "So, is it like that with you and Emma?" he asked me.
    I looked at him like he was nuts. "I told you, it isn't like that! We aren't doing…that. She's just a baby for heaven sakes and a quivering mess most of the time. There's no way I’d ever take advantage of her like that."
    "Hey, sorry, man, I just thought…I mean you guys have been married for a while now. I just figured maybe you'd been enjoying being normal newlyweds."
    I let out a huff and glanced over to where Emma was hiding. I saw her folded in on herself, her body shaking, and I knew she was crying now. "Dang it, Clayton, just…no. I have to take care of my girl; you're on your own. I'll be back for the lunch rush," I said making my way over to her.
    "Come here, Little One," I said taking her up in my arms. It broke my heart, when I saw the look in her eyes. She looked so hurt. I cradled her to my chest and carried her to our apartment. "I've got you, Little One," I said kissing her forehead. I didn't know what had upset her, but I hoped I would be enough to make it better.
    Eli called and invited us over to his place. He had Faye staying with him so he could take care of her, and he didn't plan on letting her out of his sight, either. Faye had wanted to see Emma as soon as she woke up, but Emma was too scared to leave the house at the time, and we later found out during a session that she was afraid Faye would be mad at her.
    I called and let them know what the problem was, and Faye was a mess of sobbing tears, promising she wasn't upset with her at all.
    I was finally able to coax my wife into my momma's car, so I could take her to Eli's place.
    He answered the door with a smile, and I hoped I would get some more answers. As far as I could make out from the sessions with Dr. Greyson, Emma had heard someone coming up the steps who sounded like Wayne, and she had freaked out and hid after telling Faye not to answer the door. I hoped Faye could fill the rest of it in for us.
    Eli led us over to his living room, where Faye was propped up on a pile of pillows. She had casts on her leg and on one arm. Her bruises were lightening up, and she still had a perky smile. "Oh, Emma, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared that I'd missed and he took you," she sobbed and pulled Emma over, wrapping her good arm around her and burying her face in her neck. "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to

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