Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)

Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) by Gm Scherbert

Book: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) by Gm Scherbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gm Scherbert
Tags: Romance
and I may or may not decide to share your beautiful orgasms with everyone, until I have given you permission make sure you hold off on them. Tell me the safe words before I begin on you, Pet.”
    “Yes, Master. Halt to stop, Yield to slow down.”
    “Good, good. Now up by the cross. Our baby is getting to be large enough to cause some small issues while we play pet, I will have to come up with some ways around him. For tonight just make sure you have enough space and are not putting too much pressure on him while you are up against the cross. I will not bring out the whip because you will be able to move because of the tightness of the binds and I don’t want you squirming when I have the whip out.”
    As he falls into a quick pattern with the flogging of my ass, thighs, and back I quickly fall into subspace. Flying high I lose track of time, but as I am being brought back to reality, I am released from the cross, carried over to a nearby table, and then bent over it. Growling into my ear I hear “Pet, you were made for me. You fly so quickly when I am flogging you and I cannot hold myself back from fucking you after seeing how beautiful you are when flying.”
    As he gently rubs over the marks that I am sure have formed on my back, ass, and thighs he moves quickly to my core. Running his hands through my pussy he groans loudly as he finds me soaking. Pumping first one then two fingers slowly in and out of me he quickly pulls the fingers out of me and I feel the loss. That emptiness only lasts a few seconds before I am filled completely with his cock. He doesn’t pause as he sets a demanding pace with me.
    The assault continues until I hear another growl in my ear as the beginnings of an orgasm build deep in me. “Wait for me, Pet. Wait to come until you feel me spilling myself deep inside of you.”
    I stay off the blooming orgasm while he continues to pound into me from behind. He slowly moves a hand up my back and commands “open your mouth and suck on my fingers Pet, you will come with my fingers buried in your ass and my cock buried in your sweet cunt.”
    I do so and am rewarded with the sweet tang of myself still lingering on his fingers. I lick it up hungrily again feeling a loss as he takes them out of my mouth. He starts to play with the tight hole while continuing his onslaught on my pussy. Slipping one finger slightly into my ass I groan at the suddenly full sensation I am feeling. Continuing to stretch and move that finger slowly in and out of my ass he stills within me. I feel him withdraw his finger from my ass and then feel his spit slowly running over my ass. Master runs that finger over the spit and returns it to my ass pushing again in to that tight hole. As he pulls and pushes that one finger he begins his movement within my pussy as well.
    As he adds the second finger to my ass I am first on the edge of pain, that is only short lived as he quickly uses his other hand to find my clit and start to rub and tug on it sending me quickly into overdrive.
    “Master, please,” comes out on a whisper of breath. “Please, may I come Master? You feel so go buried in my ass and pussy at the same time. Master, Please take your pleasure from me.” As I turn my head to the side and make contact with those blue pools I see love there as he answers me with a groan and I feel his cock explode inside of me answering my pleas in the best way possible. I let go of myself as I hear him growling “Mine” as he slides his fingers out of my ass and moves them up my back. Grabbing my hair sharply tugging my head up he again growls, no screams, “Mine” claiming me in yet another way as the crowd around us groans and moans.
    As my orgasm takes me over I am quickly wrapped up in strong arms and a blanket before I am lifted off my feet, carried into and through to his office and placed tenderly on the bed. He leaves me for only a few seconds and I find myself reaching out for him. He returns from the bathroom, coming

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