Payback Ain't Enough

Payback Ain't Enough by Wahida Clark Page A

Book: Payback Ain't Enough by Wahida Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wahida Clark
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alive until he grabbed Crystal’s leg. She then panicked and shot him two more times by mistake.
    “Nay, you alright?” Boomer was on the other side of the bathroom door. I washed my hands a few more times. “Nay!” he called out to me.
    “I’ll be right out, Boomer.” I looked at myself in the mirror and then tried to wipe most of the blood off my shirt. My jeans were ruined. I looked at myself good. Not my outer self, but I was trying to look into my soul, and I found nothing. I opened the bathroom door.
    “You alright?” he asked as he kept looking me over.
    “I’m fine,” I said and gave him a hug.
    He took my hand. “Let’s finish up the last of this business so that I can get you home.”
    When we made it back onto the deck, I sat down. Boomer remained standing. I looked at each of the men’s faces and saw smirks, smiles and a stone-faced Dark.
    “So, do y’all niggas think my niece can handle this shit? Did she pass the test?”
    I looked at my uncle in disbelief. This shit was planned well beforehand.
    “Before, some of you were saying that a woman does not need to be at the top.” Everyone started talking at the same time. “Hold up now. Let me finish,” his voice boomed. Everyone calmed down, and it got quiet. “She handled her business and she passed the most important test. She knows how to keep her mouth shut.” When no one commented, he said, “My thoughts exactly. Now I make a motion for the dead man’s territory to be turned over to my family. Anybody oppose?”
    Dead man? Shit. They must have killed his ass because he was still breathing when I left.
    There was a new face at the table, his name was Nick. From what I gathered he was there to fill in for Briggen. Boomer sat down, and the men talked as if I wasn’t there for almost another hour. So just like that, I inherited more territory.
    I was supposed to be in charge, but no one asked me shit. If everything was already decided for me, then what the fuck did they need me for?
    Cisco and I drove back to the city in silence. We were both lost in our own thoughts. Cisco ran his mouth all the time. This was his worst flaw. So I knew that when he wasn’t talking, I needed to be quiet. I couldn’t stop thinking about ol’ girl. Sharia had told me that she was gangsta but I didn’t know she was carrying it like that. I wouldn’t mind fucking her.
    Of course, The Consortium wanted me and Cisco to tone our shit down. They said we were making it hot. Cisco didn’t haveanything to say, but I knew he was thinking, “Fuck all of them old niggas.” I know that’s what I was thinking. We thought alike. We wanted it all. Life was too short to be eating only a slice of the pie, when you could eat the whole thing.
    No sooner had those thoughts left my mind than Cisco said we needed to have a meeting in the morning. “Get word to everybody to be on standby for the time and place.”
    “Aiight. I gotchu.”
    He dropped me off, and I chilled for the rest of the night.

    Boomer and I met up at the Original House of Pancakes in Southfield. The night before he had put me in a separate car when we left the lodge. I assumed he wanted to oversee the handling of Melky. In any event, I was anxious to hear his thoughts about the night before. I knew that every move I made was critical to the impression I needed to put in the minds of all these powerful muthafuckas that was now watching me.
    Uncle Boomer had the nerve to be straight ‘D’ boy style. He was wearing a Dickie work suit and a pair of Timberland work boots. He was looking as if he had been working under a car all morning.
    “Sheeit. Upon setting eyes on that nigga, you wasn’t supposed to ask that nigga for a hug. You should have slit his throat,” he stated, then chuckled. He was making a point to highlight one of the monumental moments from the meeting.
    After waiting in line for about ten minutes we were finally led to our table and sat down. I picked

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