Payback Ain't Enough

Payback Ain't Enough by Wahida Clark

Book: Payback Ain't Enough by Wahida Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wahida Clark
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    “You may know his brother,” Born interrupted again, not giving Melky a chance to talk. “Skye was his brother. Light skinned, one of them pretty niggas,” Born joked.
    “Born, I can speak to the lady myself,” Melky finally spoke.
    I heard what Melky said, but I was more focused on what Born said. Skye . Skye was Melky’s big brother. That light-skinnedpretty nigga. The same nigga that was all up in my house and who tried to kidnap me. That’s the nigga who Crystal bodied.
    Shit was going smooth, and I was happy as fuck to be here in the midst of those that held the keys to this grimy-ass city. A couple of these cats were muthafuckin’ legends. And here I was, straight out of the joint and sitting right smack-dab in the midst of it all.
    Before I could fully enjoy the moment, Shorty had grabbed the bottle of Goose and hit the nigga in the wheelchair across the head. It stunned everybody. The shit happened so fast that by the time anybody reacted, she had hit dude in the throat two times with the broken bottle. Just that quick, shit turned from serenity to chaos. At first, I thought that maybe she used to fuck with dude. But then I heard her say, “These niggas tried to kidnap and rob me!” She kept screaming it out and shit.
    Half the table was pulling the girl off of Melky, whose wheelchair had tipped backward. The other half was sitting him upright and trying to stop the blood from gushing out of his neck.
    “Can we get some fuckin’ order out here?” Born had the nerve to yell out after he had just instigated that shit by making sure he made Melky known. He had to keep banging on the table. “I don’t know why y’all niggas acting all startled and shit. Each and every one of y’all muthafuckas seen and did much worse.”
    “You gonna just let him bleed to death?” Tareek snapped.
    “And look at this muthafucka. All of a sudden he got a conscience,” Born said as he glared at Tareek. I was loving every bit of the drama.
    “Hell yeah, let him bleed to death,” Boomer yelled. “You forgot the rules? You against one, you against all.”
    “Boom, with all due respect, that beef is old, man,” Kay-Gee countered. “And plus, we all did some grimy shit on our way up. Hell, some of us still are.”
    I sat back and took note. Big Boomer made a call and sure enough, a few minutes hadn’t passed when two niggas came out on deck and wheeled him outta there. Boom must have had muscle waiting downstairs for him. The chick was covered in blood so she disappeared. The waiters reappeared and reset the table and refilled the drinks, acting as if they were used to niggas acting like this.
    Born lit a blunt and began to pass it around. He then announced, “So, now, we got some new business to handle.”
    I can admit it. I fuckin’ lost it. I knew that Skye had a brother in a wheelchair, even though I didn’t learn that until after I got locked up. Skye and Melky were the local jack boys. They also had a cousin on their team from New York that they would send for to help them do their dirt.
    Skye was so slick with his shit that he was setting me and my sister up at the same time. She knew him as Skye, and I knew him as New York. If she wasn’t there at the house and I hadn’t recognized his voice I wouldn’t be alive today. I hadhung out with him a couple of times, and he even helped me to get revenge on some punk who had slapped me. He was smart because he was patient enough to build up my trust. And as a result, I got caught slippin’ and allowed the nigga into my home. Before I saw it coming, he had pulled out a rope and some duct tape and then punched me dead in the mouth, knocking me backward. Then he jumped on me and tied me up. Where he fucked up was, he didn’t bother to check to see who else was in the house with me. Crystal had been upstairs asleep. When she heard me scream from being punched, she had eased downstairs, and I can still hear the sound of the .380 going off. Skye was

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