Passion's Tide

Passion's Tide by Sarah West

Book: Passion's Tide by Sarah West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah West
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all,” Abe declared with pride, suspending the stocking above a pot and setting the hot water to drip through it. Then he raised his right leg, which ended abruptly below the knee, and pulled up his breeches to show off the wound . Logan was pleased to note that it looked healthy and clean . “The doctor said he would stop by this afternoon to see how I’m faring.”
    “I’m glad . And you’re getting around just fine?”
    “Noah made me this crutch yesterday,” he waved it in the air with a smile . “Real nice, too . My brother had one that was too tall, gave him trouble . Told me it was rubbing him all uncomfortable like . But this one fits just right.”
    “The men do seem to be taking a liking to Noah.”
    “Aye, he seems to be a jolly enough fellow, if a little shy . Do you want something to eat? I wasn’t sure what to make for breakfast, so I made some honey cake, if you want some.” He held out a plate piled high with the squares of sweet cake . Logan took one and bit off a corner, his eyes widening as the flavor rolled over his tongue like molasses. Abe smiled . “Good?”
    “ Considering that Peter used to serve dry biscuits for breakfast, often with mealworms still inside, I would say this is a much needed improvement.” He finished the rest of the cake and reached for another. “Where did you get the recipe?”
    “My mum used to make them, I guess I just picked it up from her . We had extra honey and spices in the hold, I hope it’s all right that I took some.”
    Logan laughed . “You can take anything you want, as long as you keep surprising me.”  He finished off the cake and grinned. “I suppose you’ve also taken into account that cooks make more than the rest of the crew? Add to that the five hundred dollars you’ll get for your leg, an d you’ll be a rich man, my friend.”
    Abe’s brown eyes twi nkled . “Aye, I’ve taken both into account, and I’m rightly pleased.”
    “Pleased about what?” Eli said from the doorway . Logan noticed that his friend was dressed more appropriately than the previous day , in well-worn wool breeches and a tight fitting b lack linen shirt . He was rolling up his sleeves as he walked into the galley . “What is Abe pleased about?” he repeated.
    “His monetary success,” Logan answered . “Nice outfit.”
    Eli shot him a glare . “Don’t think I did it because you were poking fun of me last night . Everything else smelled.”
    “Lucky for you all my clothes are dirty as well,” Logan said, nodding at the pile in the corner . “We’re going to wash everything after lunch.”
    “Wonderful.” He grabbed a honey cake and shoved it into his mouth . “Dear god, did you make these, Abe?” he mumbled, spewing crumbs as he spoke.
    “This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten , and I’m not exaggerating.”
    Abe smiled in response. “ I love being in the galley, much more than being out on deck . I was never comfortable climbing up and down the rigging.”
    Logan clapped him on the back . “We’re glad to have you here.”
    Eli drank half of his coffee in one gulp, and then grabbed another cake . “How did last night go?”
    “What do you mean, how did last night go?” Logan replied, refusing to stand down to Eli’s stare.
    “You know very well what I mean . After the trial you went into your cabin with a young, beautiful, and spirited woman . As far as I know she assumes you are holding her prisoner, along with the rest of the crew, I might add . I want you to tell me how the rest of the night went.”
    Logan shrugged his shoulders . “It went fine . Nothing happened,” he easily lied .
    “Where did she sle ep?”
    “In my bed.” Eli choked on his coffee . “Relax, I was in a hammock on the other side of the room.”
    “I still think this is a bad idea, Logan . She may be impassioned, but I have a strong feeling that she’s an innocent.”
    “And I know you . Ten minutes alone with any woman

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