Part of Me (Jessa & Paxton #1)

Part of Me (Jessa & Paxton #1) by Haven Francis

Book: Part of Me (Jessa & Paxton #1) by Haven Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Haven Francis
out of the room. Vi is in the kitchen mixing a drink. When she sees me a smile comes over her face and then she runs over to me, hopping into my arms like a bunny. “Paxton!” she screeches.
    “Hey, Vi,” I tell her, smiling at her enthusiastic greeting.
    She jumps down then and puts her hands on her hips, smiling up at me. “When Jessa told me you were back I didn’t believe it. But there you were sleeping like a little baby in the bed.”
    “Where is Jessa?” I ask her, keeping my voice even.
    “She’s just in the shower, don’t worry. Go sit on the couch, I’ll get you a beer.”
    “ Yeah,” I tell her, doing what she says. As I wait I hear the door to our bedroom close – proof that, yes, Jessa is still here with me. I shake my head at the sense of relief that sound sends through my body.
    Violet comes back over with her drink and my beer and curls up on the couch next to me. “So, Jessa said you had some business to take care of?” she asks, cocking an eyebrow at me.
    “Don’t start with me, Vi,” I tell her. She knows why I’m here.
    “She said you’re staying in bed with her.”
    “ Yeah, I am.”
    “As her friend?”
    “I would assume so. I interrupted her and Elijah on the couch when I walked in this morning. Why was he here?”
    “You know what – you’re home now, I missed you, I know you’re not going to stay forever and I refuse to argue with you while I have you so I’m not gonna talk about any of that with you because I swear t o God, Pax, I will snap. You…are not cool,” she says, her face growing tense.
    I laugh at her visually strained attempt at temper control. “Vi, babe, take a breath. I’m not gonna fight with you. We don’t gotta talk about it. I appreciate you taking care of her for me, okay? That’s it.”
    She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens her eyes again she’s smiling. “I like her, Pax. I mean I really, really like her. Besides that one issue… concerning you… it’s been fun having her around.”
    “ Yeah, she’s pretty great,” I admit.
    “So we’re all living together for a while?”
    “A m I like the old mom and you two are my bratty little kids that I have to take care of?” she smirks at me.
    “You’re twenty three, Vi. That’s way too young to mother a nineteen and twenty year old.”
    “Twenty four, Pax. You missed my birthday.”
    “Shit. Yeah, I guess I did. I’ll make it up to you.”
    “Awesome,” she says with a big smile. “You can buy me a drink tonight.”
    I scowl at her. “I would love to babe, but you know that’s not an option.”
    “What are you gonna do? Stay locked up in this apa rtment the whole time you’re here?” Violet asks me like she’s disappointed. But she knows I need to lay low. Chicago is a big city, but Glencoe is small and if anyone from that town happens to see me word will spread quickly.
    “Drop it , Violet. I don’t have a choice.”
    She lets out a frustrated si gh and takes a swig of her drink. “We’ll stay home then. I’m not going out without you.”
    “Sounds like fun,” I tell her, watching her squirm. The girl has too much energy to be trapped in this apartment all night and I know it as well as she does. Plus she’s all done up and in her party clothes.
    “Maybe Jessa and I wil l just go out for an hour or so then we’ll come home and hang out with you.”
    “Yep,” I sneer. I don’t like the idea of Jessa going out. I don’t like the idea of her being around Elijah. I haven’t had any time with her seeing how I slept the entire day and most of the night away. I shouldn’t have done that. I need a minute with her. I need to talk to her.
    I hear the door of our room open and I look to the hallway. E very muscle in my body flexes. “Why are you all dressed up?” I say with acid in my voice. Her perfect, soft, grabable hair is in loose curls, hanging over her naked chest and the tight black fabric over her tits. Her dress is hugging

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