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Book: Parish by Nicole Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Murphy
Tags: Zombies
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last forever, the virus has a kill time just like it had an activation time.” Emily explained.
                  “How long, Emily?”
                  “It will run its course in a week.  After that it’s done.” She closed her eyes.
                  “What about Jamie?” Jack asked.
                  “I don’t know.” Emily shook her head.  “He may pull through.”
                  “May?” Jack repeated the word.  “That means there’s a chance he won’t.”  Emily nodded slowly, unable to articulate the words.  “If he dies, Emily, I swear to Christ I will kill you with my bare hands for being the one that killed him. Do you understand me?”
                  “Please, Jack.” Emily begged, turning to grab at his hand.  Jack pulled away harshly.
                  “Don’t touch me.” Jack turned and went to leave the office.  He froze at the door, his hand on the doorframe and his back to her.  He inhaled deeply and dropped his head.  “I won’t tell them what you just told me.  But what I said stands.  If he dies, Emily, I’ll kill you.”  Jack disappeared leaving her alone.
                  Emily backed up, her hand at her throat, trembling.  Her eyes welled up once more.  Dropping her head into her hand she stood there trying to calm herself.  Jamie moaned in his sleep, pulling her attention to him.  She quickly dropped to her knees beside him, examining him for signs of improvement.
                  “Jamie?  Sweetie?  It’s Mom, can you open your eyes?” Her voice was soft and comforting.  Jamie stirred and his lids finally lifted, opening his eyes slightly.  He searched for a moment before his attentions landed on his mother’s face that rested near his own. Emily smiled broadly.  “Hey, there big guy.  Are you feeling any better?”
                  “Tired.” His voice made tiny by exhaustion and illness squeaked out.  Emily reached up and smoothed his sweat laden hair back from his face.
                  “I know, babe.  You need to drink some water and try to eat something, okay?  You have to keep your strength up.”  She nodded, still forcing her calm smile as not to frighten the boy.
                  “Where are we?” He flicked his tongue out to moisten his dry cracked lips.
                  “Well, the truck we were in ran out of gas.  Daddy, Wade and Artemis found this little grocery store and now we’re in here, all safe and sound.” Emily replied, explaining what he had missed.  It seemed to take a moment to register with Jamie.
                  “I feel really sick.” He squeezed his eyes shut.  “My brain hurts.”
                  “I know, honey.  Look, Artemis found you some medicine.  I need you to take it okay?  It will make you feel better.”  She reached to the small table that sat beside the sofa and grabbed the medicine, measuring out a dose for him.  Emily reached beneath his head and helped lift him up a bit so he could swallow it down.  Laying him gingerly back down, she wiped his face with the palm of her hand.  “There you go, that’s a good boy Jamie.”
                  “Mom?” Jamie whispered.
                  “What is it buddy?” Emily replied.
                  “Where’s Dad?”
                  “He’s out in the store with Wren and Wade.  Do you want me to get him?” She pointed with her thumb over her shoulder to the door.  Jamie nodded weakly, causing her to jump up and     sprint to the door.  “Jack!  Come in here, Jamie is awake and asking for you!”  She returned to his side as quickly as she had left, Jack stumbled in a moment later, tripping over his own two feet.
                  “Hey guy!” Jack smiled down at Jamie who raised his hand a bit.  Jack

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