Pants on Fire

Pants on Fire by Casia Schreyer Page B

Book: Pants on Fire by Casia Schreyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casia Schreyer
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wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming again.”
    He smiled and kissed her back. “No more dreams. No more lies. It’s just me and you, here and now.”
    She nodded and tipped her chin up, inviting his kiss. She gasped against his mouth when he slipped inside her and his tongue darted out to dance with hers. Their every movement was slow and tender, deep and sensual, close and intimate. All traces of fun and flirty were gone, all thought of the temporary and the passing replaced by a longing for a lifetime of quiet embraces and cool evenings made warm by loving arms.
    He treasured every second, already fully aware of how rare it was for Megan to be serious about anything and still be happy. He loved her, loved how she laughed her way through life, but he loved this softer, gentler side of her too, not more, not better, but just as much.
    She held on to him and watched the emotions and sensations play across his face. Occasionally she trembled against him whenever the doubt snuck into her mind and she would worry, if only for a second, that she would wake up alone, that all this was only a pleasant dream, no matter what he said to reassure her otherwise.
    It’s not a dream. This is real. I could get used to being loved like this.
    At some point they rolled over and Tyler laid back and watched Megan above him, her soft curves glowing in the dying light of day. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders, soft waves of chocolate that framed her face. Her eyes were dark and wide and intense, taking in every inch of his face, but his eyes roamed from her eyes and face to her hair to her curves and back again. He wanted to remember every detail of here, here and now. Maybe it wasn’t the first time they’d had sex together, but something about tonight was different. Now, with all the lies stripped away, they could really, truly, and honestly be fully together.
    Soon his need began to overpower his sentimental ideas and he rolled again. Her hair splayed out over the bed spread and she gasped a little as his thrusts became quicker, and more urgent. He dropped his body close to hers and their hearts thundered together.
    Quite by accident, while shifting her hips to make his weight more comfortable, Megan found Tyler was suddenly in the exact perfect place to stroke her g-spot with every thrust. Her breath caught in her throat and she swallowed hard.
    “Oh, Tyler,” she gasped. “Don’t move.”
    He froze and she let out a desperate whimper.
    “No, don’t stop. Don’t stop. God, don’t stop. Just don’t move.”
    When he started moving again she shuddered and nodded, her eyes fluttering closed and her head tipping back. Understanding dawned on him and he continued with measured strokes, watching her lick her lips and toss her head around as the pleasure moved from ‘nice’ to ‘overwhelming’.
    When her arms shot out and she grabbed the covers with both hands he knew she was close. Careful not to shift his position from the waist down he bent forward and began nibbling at her neck. It was enough and her back arched, slamming her body tight against his and she gasped sharply.
    The shocked, breathless silence didn’t last long and she was soon moaning louder and louder. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself close against him, and let out a sound that was very close to a scream.
    He shuddered and went over the edge so fast and so hard that it left him dizzy. When they were both spent they lay together, arms and legs intertwined until neither could so much as scratch their nose without completing rearranging both of them first.
    Her eyes were fluttering closed and she smiled. “You must be real. That was better than anything I could have dreamed up.”
    “Compliment received at this end,” he muttered and sleep pulled him under.
    Megan rose slowly from sleep, her breathing deep and peaceful. She rolled over, stretched, and

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