Pants on Fire

Pants on Fire by Casia Schreyer Page A

Book: Pants on Fire by Casia Schreyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casia Schreyer
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changed, and meet me down the block at the deli.”
    “You’re going to apologize to me in a deli?”
    “No, we’re going to go to a cheap motel and I’ll apologize there.”
    She laughed. “No. Never. I’m not playing sneak around games while I’m on tour.”
    “I want you Megan so unless you want me to bar the doors and apologize to you right here in the private dining room …”
    She was laughing so hard now that she could hardly breathe. “All right, you can come up. If anyone asks you were having drinks with me, and my media rep.”
    “The hard-faced woman who checked in with you? Won’t she rat us out?”
    “Not a chance. Bernie is dead set on this tour being a success.”
    “Let’s go then.” He tugged on her arm.
    “What? Right now? I haven’t finished my dinner!”
    He paused at the door and let her regain her composure and then they calmly walked from the dining room and through the restaurant, while Tyler rattled off truly boring facts about the hotel. In the lobby he said, “There’s a particularly beautiful painting in the hallway of the eighth floor, if you’re interested in art.”
    “I am, actually. You don’t have to take all this time to show me around, I know you’re busy.”
    “Nonsense, it’s one of my rare free evenings.”
    Once in the elevator she whispered, “Do you think we’re fooling anyone?”
    “I hope so, because I’m showing a lot of restraint in not kissing you right now,” he whispered back.
    They made a point of stopping at the aforementioned painting and actually discussing it, all for the benefit of the hallway security camera. Then they made their way to her room and quietly went in.
    “Would you like something to drink?” she asked as she set her keycard on the dresser.
    He stepped up close behind her and kissed the back of her neck. His hands wandered up and down her arms and she relaxed.
    “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered into her neck. She wanted to melt right there but he held her up and guided her slowly towards the bed.
    “Your touch feels so good,” she murmured.
    He unzipped the back of her dress and she let it fall in a puddle around her ankles. She stepped out of her shoes and turned into his arms. He smiled and ran his fingers along the top of her bra. “What, no fancy lace today?”
    “I packed for comfort, not for sharing, I’m sorry.” They smiled at each other and then she turned her attention to his many buttons. There were buttons up the front of his shirt, and jacket, buttons on his shirt sleeves, and belt and a button on his pants. “Thank god you’re not wearing the tie,” she muttered.
    “I thought about it, but then you would have started undressing me in public again.” He kissed her and took her in his arms and they fell into bed. Slowly their hands sought out familiar places, each taking the time to enjoy the other’s body.
    The remainder of their clothes fell away as they reached for more skin, seeking a more intimate connection. Soon lips followed fingers and they wrestled back and forth trailing kisses up and down each other’s bodies.
    He ran his fingers up her sides, making her jump away with a shrill yelp. At her glare he shrugged. “Just checking.” He reached for her, pulled her tight against his body, and kissed her hard.
    They came together slowly, a parting and intertwining that happened almost without conscious effort. She rolled, long legs parting. He followed her, still kissing her, his hips brushing hers. He paused then and looked down into her eyes.
    They stared at each other for a long moment as the sun dipped below the city sky line casting the room into deep shadow. She reached up, touched his cheek with soft, almost timid fingers. “Are you real?”
    “Yes.” His voice was deep, rough with desire. “Now I am real. Now you know me.”
    “Yes.” She kissed him. “But I

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