PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) by Kristal Baird

Book: PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) by Kristal Baird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristal Baird
and over until she screamed his name in her frantic orgasm.
    Cally looked up at Jakeas her cunt twitched its need again, her pussy lips swollen and longing. Her hips thrust toward him involuntarily and her cheeks warmed in knowledge of the wanton picture she presented to this virile man, who ignored her clear invitation to fuck her senseless.
    Cally felt her vaginal muscles twitch again around the objects Jake had rammed up, so expertly, inside her. Her own body tried desperately to bring about the conclusion she so desired.
    She could see Jake was interested. Was turned on by the sight of her, naked and desperate, but he damn well didn’t act on it. Because he knew that she wanted him to. And as he had told her over and over, this wasn’t about what she wanted. He was determined to teach her that. The hard way.
    Suddenly he got up. He had something in his hand as he walked toward her. Even his approach made her vaginal muscles tremble at the male proximity. The faint possibility of sexual congress.
    What was he doing? He placed a heavy chain around her neck. She winced at the coldness of the metal. She couldn’t really see what he was doing but he clasped her breast roughly in one hand. Something bit into her nipple. They were clamps. He’d just attached a nipple clamp to her.
    The tightness and pressure delivered a burst of intense pleasure that shot straight to her wet clit.
    Jake grabbed her other breast and attached the other clamp as efficiently. Cally cried out. She wanted the sting. She wanted to be free of it. The sweet agony throbbed in the dark recesses of her pussy as it squeezed around its inadequate little invaders.
    ‘Do you like that, Cally? Jake whispered.
    His voice alone sent shock waves through her body, rendering her speechless. He tugged at the chain, delivering fresh pain and stimulation.
    Cally’s hips thrust in a desperate attempt to capitalise on the movement and friction of the metal inside her vagina. She realised that the short length of the chain, anchored around her neck, was such that each time she moved, even slightly, she caused the clamps on each end to tug upward, stimulating her own nipples in an arousing ache of longing, mirrored by the glow between her thighs. God, he was an expert at sexual torture.
    ‘Jake?’ She called to him, pitifully.
    He walked away from her and left the office. Left her there, to stimulate herself as best she could.
    Jake paused and took a great gulp of air behind the closed door. He had to do it to her. There were no limits to the perversions these men were willing to inflict on the women they took as their sexual slaves, once they had them in their power. And he had to prepare those women to accept, to desire, whatever might be done to them. It was better for them that way.
    Jake found himself wondering what perversions Mathers had in store for Cally. He thrust the images out of his head. He didn’t want to even imagine that old goat taking pleasure from Cally’s beautiful body. The way he was taking pleasure from her right now. He had never yet been in such a permanent state of arousal. The other women he’d trained, they were just jobs. But her?
    His mind recaptured the vision of Cally, bound and erotically charged enough to welcome him into her body. He saw her cunt, slick and inviting, and knew it would clamp around his cock so hard it would drive him insane. He shook his head to clear the image. He wasn’t ready to give himself that reward yet. He didn’t deserve it.
    Jake returned to the office. Cally’s face was flushed and she was panting hard. The sexy little bitch had been trying every trick her body knew to make herself come, clearly without success. Now he was about to crank her frustrations up another notch.
    Jake retrieved a hard rubber plug from his desk drawer. He brought it out before Cally to heighten her anticipation and he could see it was doing its job already. Her eyes, fixed upon it, were widening with a mixture of fear and

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