Outlaw Lawman
she supplied. “Like the ones on the threats that Devin and Curtis got.”
    Another shrug. “I figure when we were knocked out cold, it would have been easy to put our fingerprints on just about anything.”
    That sent a chill through her. Heaven knew what other evidence was going to surface. “But why is the person doing this? Why try to set us up?”
    “Maybe to take the fall for Webb’s murder.” He paused, huffed. “But I’m pretty sure we were supposed to die in that motel room.”
    Caitlyn had already come to the same conclusion, but it was a whole new level of fear to hear it spoken aloud. Now the thoughts came at her nonstop. Billy had perhaps set them up and then sent Farris that photo, figuring the crazed stalker would do the killing for him.
    And he’d come darn close to succeeding.
    “Yeah,” Caitlyn mumbled.
    He was examining her face. Her eyes. And he no doubt knew what this was doing to her, because it was doing the same thing to him. Maybe worse. He had family to protect, and it didn’t matter that his brothers were marshals and could take care of themselves. He never wanted to put them in danger, period.
    “What about the motel?” she asked. “Were there any eyewitnesses who can help get us a better description of the shooter?”
    “None. There was a traffic camera on the interstate, but it wasn’t aimed in the direction of the motel.”
    And it was probably why their attacker had chosen to put them there.
    “No sign of Billy yet,” Harlan went on. “But the initial lab results are back, and it appears you and I were drugged with etorphine hydrochloride.”
    “The drug used on animals,” she immediately supplied. “I did an article on it a while back.” She snapped her fingers, trying to recall some details. “Only veterinarians have access to it, so maybe that’s a way to trace our attacker.”
    Harlan was already shaking his head before she finished. “A large supply of it went missing a couple of months ago, and it’s been showing up in black markets all over the country. Anyone with enough cash could have bought it, and I doubt we’ll find a drug dealer willing to rat out a customer.”
    No. And besides, if it was Billy or Farris, they probably would have just hired someone to buy the drug for them so they could stay a step removed from any possible evidence.
    “Do you have any good news?” she asked. And yes, there was frustration in her voice.
    “Maybe. Slade is setting up meetings with both Curtis Newell and Devin Mathis. We’ll see them in the morning.”
    Sherry’s business partner and Tiffany’s fiancé. Both had received threats and both might have information about who was behind the attacks. Might.
    “Please tell me we’re not meeting them here?” Caitlyn asked.
    “No. And we obviously can’t go to the marshals’ building. Slade’s making arrangements for someplace safe.” He took her by the arm again. “Now rest.”
    God, she needed it. Every one of her muscles was stiff and sore. And rest would give her stupid body a chance to cool down from Harlan fantasies. She might have gotten her feet moving toward the stairs if Harlan hadn’t flexed the grip on her forearm, sliding his fingers down, down, down. To her wrist. Then to her hand.
    There was nothing sexual about it. Hand-holding. But he might as well have touched her in the most intimate of places, because her body turned warm and melty.
    Harlan had started it with the hand-holding foreplay, but Caitlyn escalated things. Couldn’t stop herself. That mouth was right there in front her. Mesmerizing. Filled with the hottest memories. So she leaned in. Pressed her lips to his.
    Oh, mercy.
    Big mistake. The contact hit her like a lightning bolt. All the heat, fire and intensity zapped her. Not just her either. Harlan made a sound. That male rumble in his chest and throat, and he dragged her to him. The press of their lips became a full-fledged kiss. French and everything.
    Especially everything.

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