Origin ARS 5
level five, but it was also the
headache. When he had both reached level five and his head felt
like it was going to split open, he would be ready to move on. That
would mean that his combat level had reached its peak in relation
to his social and skill experience pools.
    "That's perfect." said Scott. He could level
to five, bank another four combat levels, and then spend his first
day or two out in ARS proper socializing and learning about the
world. The city alone should be something wonderful to behold.
    He left his safe room and went out to find
his training partner. The hellion was in his customary spot. Scott
grinned. It was time to get to work.
    In the parking lot of the headquarters
building that Scott had been assigned, a little red Camry pulled
gently into an empty parking spot. Aria stepped out then sighed at
her car. "Man, can't believe I had to change it to another
    While driving with her customary safety
consciousness, she had realized that the state troopers were after her for some reason. Normally it would have been fun to be
detained by the police and get booked as a criminal, but she had a
time schedule to keep. She had been forced to quickly change her
car from a pink Cadillac to the next thing on her list, a red
    Aria pouted at the car. It was fun to drive
it, but she had liked her convertible. Maybe she would change it
into a jeep next? A jeep could be fun.
    The vehicularly downgraded goddess locked up
her car then strolled into the headquarters building in search of
the only contact she had. Upon entering, she met with a Lieutenant
James, who called up for Captain Johnson.
    A few minutes later the middle-aged captain
came down the stairs and walked over to the duty desk. He glanced
at the lieutenant then over to Aria. "You needed to see me about
something, ma'am?"
    Aria smiled brightly at the captain then
said, "Yes. We should go to your office."
    "Ma'am, I've got a lot of paperwork to do. Is
this about one of my soldiers or...?" asked Captain Johnson.
    "It's about Scott Jacobs. I'm his fiancé."
said Aria flatly.
    Captain Johnson blinked. "Scott... Jacobs."
He turned to his duty officer. "Hold all my calls unless it's the
colonel or better."
    "Yes, sir." said Lieutenant James before
glancing over to the absurdly beautiful woman. She remembered Scott
Jacobs as a man who was almost too pretty to be real. Now there was
a woman in front of her that could easily match that if not exceed
it. Where did these people come from? Where there any eligible
bachelors there?
    Aria followed the captain up to his office.
He locked the door behind them and sat down at his desk. "How can I
help you?"
    "I suppose I should get directly to the
point. Just to be clear, you spoke to me a few months ago when my
fiancé made an offer to your government." said Aria.
    "Yes, I recall. It's still hard to believe.
Are you really ... You know."
    Aria glanced at him then looked over at his
desk lamp. "Is that special to you in any way."
    "That lamp? No."
    Aria pulled up a menu screen. She manipulated
a few buttons and the lamp shimmered. In its place, was now a
    "The... That. Did you just turn my desk lamp
into a dog?" asked the man in surprise. The desk lamp dog growled
cutely then wobbled around. It was a Labrador retriever pup, and
quite adorable.
    "Yep. So, not to be rude but can we dispense
with the whole am I really a goddess thing please?" asked Aria with
a warm smile.
    "Fine by me. What can I do for you, Ms...?"
asked the captain politely.
    "Ardent. Aria Ardent is the name that I go by
on Earth." she said.
    "I see. So, what can I do for you Ms.
    Aria wasted no time and began to discuss the
situation. "Your superiors are not putting much effort into the
offer that was made. However, Scott has received orders to report
in two days. That won't be happening."
    Captain Johnson rubbed his forehead then
sighed. "Can you tell me why?"
    "He's currently fighting hellions in an old
subterranean transit

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