Origin ARS 5
Earth, possibly even be fatal, but the
hellion's health durability was simply too high.
    The shoulder neck breaker stunned the
monster, however. Scott decided that one professional wrestling
move deserved another. He rolled the beast over, climbed onto its
back and slipped his arm around its neck once more. He used his
other hand to comb back the beast's head and began squeezing his
arm for all he was worth.
    When the weakly struggling monster's
struggles stopped. Scott immediately let go. He snatched up the
greatsword and shoved it into his bag, and then began to rifle
through the monster's pockets. He found a few coins, but nothing
too exciting.
    Scott left the unconscious monster where he
fell then quickly moved back to the shelter of the safe room. Once
inside he checked the mirror, saw no difference, and sighed. "I
have to wait for the pulse."
    He needed to heal and to allow his armor and
gloves to repair themselves. That was apparently the special
function of the so-called special equipment. His noobie armor
self-repaired if he was in a safe location, such as the safe room.
It would be repaired over time, much like he healed when he
    The cot called to him and Scott gladly went
to enjoy his rest. Time passed in the timeless place. Injuries
healed at an accelerated rate. His armor and weaponry were restored
to perfect status. Scott awoke then sat up.
    "Alright. Let's see." Scott checked the
mirror and rubbed his chin. He was still level one, but he had
increased his light armor level by one. He saw no changes on his
defense stat. Still, he was certain that it did something.
    He went out to fight a little more. While he
was not certain that his tactic would work, it at least allowed him
to train his light armor skill.
    Scott pulled his pistol from his bag. The
unconscious hellion was no longer on the floor where he had been
left to lie. That meant that the dungeon had reset. He found the
monster in the same location as before. Since he had not died, the
layout of the monster locations had not changed.
    Once again, Scott took a shot at the monster.
Surprisingly, it whipped out another great sword and charged toward
    The sorcerer did not make it back to the
point that he had before because he had been momentarily delighted
to see that he could keep looting the same items if he wanted. In
short, he had limited bag space, but he could farm these guys!
    "Stop meats!" snapped the hellion as he
whipped his greatsword downward. Scott took a hard cut along the
back that sliced through his light leather armor and caused him to
bleed a little, but he had managed to narrowly avoid being cleaved
in half.
    He turned quickly and struck down at the
beast's rising hands with a double downward hammer fist. The
greatsword was knocked from its hands just before Scott swung his
doubled fists upward to slam under its chin. The monster's head was
knocked back by the continuing combination move. Scott turned
counter to his current movement and swept the monster's leg. This
hellion was not an unarmed combatant. That much was certain.
Without his greatsword he was easily knocked around by unarmed
strikes and takedowns.
    Still, he did have incredible health and
stamina. The hellion launched a desperate kick that Scott mostly
avoided. He could feel the bruise beginning to form along the side
of his calf, however.
    The sorcerer kicked, slapped, and dodged as
best he could to lessen the fallen monster's strikes. Despite his
superior position, Scott had trouble hitting the monster in a vital
spot. The desperate flailing of the hellion's limbs was unskilled
but powerful.
    Scott chose to hop back a short distance and
allow the monster to get back to his feet. The hellion was the
perfect opponent at the moment. He had little in the way of unarmed
combat skills, so it was not that difficult to take him down to the
ground. However, he was extremely dangerous with his greatsword.
That forced Scott to act quickly to avoid taking damage.
    Thus began

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