Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2)

Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2) by Lucy Gage Page A

Book: Only One (Ward Sisters Book 2) by Lucy Gage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Gage
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brother insist that you stay to help him shower and sleep with him, Jenna?”
    “Because that's what I did last night.”
    “And why do you seem comfortable with that idea?”
    Jenna sighed. She and Rob had long ago vowed to keep this to themselves, but the cat was out of the bag. Given Rob's current situation, there was no point in hiding it from Rick and Amy.
    “Because we've slept together before.”
    Rick's eyebrows shot up. “Oh? When was that? Recently? Is that why Lola broke up with him?”
    “I don't know her motives, but as far as I'm aware, they had nothing to do with me. We slept together the day we met.”
    “Is the story about not being interested in each other a lie?”
    “No, not all of it. The best lies are at least partly true. I won't tell you the details. You don't need to know. But he's fine with me seeing him naked because I already had before last night. He's my best friend. I wasn't about to let something bad happen to him. I knew when he hadn't answered his phone there was something wrong. If you'd smelled him last night, you'd have put him in the shower, too. Whatever comes of it, it's really not your business.”
    He looked annoyed, but he said, “Fine. I'll keep my mouth shut. But the first sign of it leaking and we have a problem.”
    “Seriously? You're going to say that to me? I'm the one who deals with all the bullshit. Someday, it'll be even worse because we'll have a bigger social network. This is minor by comparison. If stupid Lola hadn't sold her story to Star, then we'd be in a lot better shape. Your father trusts me, your brother trusts me and Amy trusts me. Get on board.”
    She turned to go and Rick's voice stopped her.
    “He's on the rebound.”
    “No, he's not. I know he didn't love her. He's hurt, but he'll get over it. The media scrutiny and the invasion of privacy will be harder on him than the end of the affair. But if you're trying to warn me that things between me and your brother won't end well, you're barking up the wrong tree. I don't harbor any false hopes of the handsome movie star falling in love with me as I mend his broken heart. I adore Rob and he's far more than just a friend to me, but we don't feel passionate about each other. We both want that in life. I'm going to be whatever he needs me to be while he gets through this. You don't have any say in that. The sooner you realize it, the better off you'll be.”
    She turned and left.
    Over the next several days, Rick gradually relaxed around Jenna. She wondered if Rob had said something to him when she went to her apartment for toiletries, clothes and the computers.
    About a week after the Lola debacle began, Jenna was helping Rob in the shower as she had every evening, when he backed her into the shower wall, and kissed her deeply and passionately. She couldn't help but kiss him back – she really liked kissing him – and she was lost in the moment when he ran his hands down her body, hitched her leg onto his hip and slid his fingers inside her. She pulled away and panted.
    “Rob, what are you doing?”
    He grinned. “Trying to get you worked up.”
    “Why would you do that?” she asked, confused.
    He kissed her neck and moved his fingers in and out again.
    “Because I want you, Jen.”
    She found herself moaning. “Is that a good idea, Rob? You're still on your meds. You're not thinking clearly.”
    “I stopped taking them three days ago. The doctor said I could stop when I was ready. And I was ready, so I stopped.”
    She shoved him off her. “You've been letting me bathe you for three days and you weren't even taking Xanax?”
    He chuckled. “Busted.”
    “Why would you do that?” He grinned and tilted his head as if to say, Why do you think? “You wanted me to feel you up.”
    “To be fair, under the circumstances, you were as innocent as could be. Which is why I decided to come clean. I don't want you to be innocent anymore.”
    Heat rushed between her thighs and up her face. She was a

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