Only in Her Dreams

Only in Her Dreams by Christina McKnight

Book: Only in Her Dreams by Christina McKnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina McKnight
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her. His eyes glowed in the darkness.
    Her attention was drawn back to the car, smashed against a towering tree. A silver truck was embedded in the car’s hood. The smell of burnt rubber invaded her nose.
    Another man rushed her mother’s still form to the opposite side of the accident. He deposited her still form on the wet ground as the car burst into flames. The explosion caused Lucessa to avert her eyes from the bright flash. She lost sight of her mother.
    Pain, searing and hot, shot down her neck. She focused on the person who had removed her from the back seat. A man dressed in dark jeans, a hooded sweat shirt and baseball cap hurried in the opposite direction of the approaching fire truck, untouched by the rain.
    Glowing eyes stared at her from the computer screen--Maxim’s eyes! Eyes that also matched the man she’d collided with on the street. She and Maxim definitely had things to discuss when she got home.

Chapter 16
    Darius’ skin was sticky due to the high humidity of the area. The journey to the remote village was treacherous, full of barren deserted land. After the eighteen hour flight from Sacramento to Uganda with two layovers, the last thing he expected was another four hours packed in a primitive bus from Entebbe to Gayaza. After this horrendous trip, this Flynn guy better be there. With fucking bells on! If not, when Darius did find him, he’d make him suffer.
    For being such a godforsaken country, the village of Gayaza housed an all-girls school, agricultural research facility, and a newly opened medical clinic, or so the brochure from the airport informed him. His men were particularly enthusiastic about the all-girls school and the distractions they’d find in the arms of willing, or unwilling, African princesses.
    He doubted there would be much of the free time his men anticipated, but there was no need to tell them. Their returning flight to the States left in less than twenty hours.
    And come brimstone--or fire--he’d be on that plane, with or without his men. It didn’t matter to him, as long as he fulfilled his mission.
    At the first sign of daylight cresting over the horizon, the bus creaked down a dirt road into a rural town. He was ready to disembark the flea and dust infested bus jam-packed with his men, several locals, six chickens and a goat. How these people lived was beyond him. The smell alone would kill the un-killable within a few more hours. The bus pulled up outside an open air food market on the edge of Gayaza.
    Darius and his men exited the bus to the relief of the increasingly nervous driver. As they walked down the main street of the village, his men flanked him, two on each side; he was glad for the early hour. The sheer size of his men, not to mention the whiteness of their skin, labeled them as outsiders. Then, the chance of any villager giving them information about the man he sought, would be slim. With luck, I won’t need help locating my target.
    “Let’s get to the medical facility,” Darius said. His men, dressed in new dark fatigues with matching steel-toed boots looked official.
    Alexander held the crude town map a man on the bus had scribbled for them on the back of an airlines upchuck bag. “This way, Master. The facility is at the end of this road, on the left.”
    As they approached, Darius saw that the facility was already open. The line outside confirmed the building was likely the only one within thirty miles. Women and children lined up around the makeshift, mud-packed building; some were sitting and others were standing, but all appeared half-starved. The swollen abdomens of the infants and children were predominant. Pathetic humans.
    To the left of the main building, a smaller hut stood with a sign labeled ‘Office.’ If any information was to be found here, this would be the place.
    Darius signaled his men to wait outside and he pushed through the red-stained metal door. The white female who greeted him was unexpected. He expected the

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