Only in Her Dreams

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Book: Only in Her Dreams by Christina McKnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina McKnight
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age requirement and description of the girl’s husband, roamed the room talked to patients, listened to heartbeats, and studied the inside of ears and throats.
    Darius retrieved the folded photo from his jacket pocket. He studied the auburn hair and hazel eyes that stared back at him, a large grin on his face.
    Dr. Adams peaked at the picture in his hand. Sweat appeared on her forehead while Darius surveyed the room again. Flynn wasn’t hard to spot with his auburn hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. Darius started in his direction as the man moved between patients.
    “Agent Lucas, what’ll it take for you to walk away, report that he wasn’t here, and put an end to this?” Dr. Adams clutched at his arm as he continued his trek across the room. He heard the slight scraping as her shoes dug into the floor, seeking a purchase. He ached to sweep her into his arms and take her somewhere they could have a private moment.
    “Are you attempting to bribe a US Special Agent?” he asked, never taking his eyes off his target.
    When she didn’t respond, he turned his hardened gaze to her face. Unshed tears sparkled in her eyes. What in the hell is going on? Fortunately, whatever she was crying about didn’t concern him.
    He was there to retrieve the man.
    And his mission would succeed.
    He had a new kingdom balanced on the outcome. Not to mention, one evil fucker expected him to fail.
    # # #
    The Melas surrounded Dr. Flynn and Adams in a small conference room off the back of the clinic office. His men blocked the only exit, their military stance intimidating. They’d not been able to separate the two doctors, which would be necessary to convince Flynn to join their mission. A small smile crossed Darius’ face as he thought about the methods they would use to convince Flynn to cooperate, if necessary.
    I don’t mind having a few more hours to admire Dr. Adams womanly charms.
    “Agent Lucas, I’m just a doctor. I wanted to start a new life here in Uganda, free of my responsibilities back home. I want to dedicate my life to helping the less fortunate, surely you understand. I didn’t hurt or defraud anyone. There was no life insurance policy. Faking my death was the only way to move on without continually looking over my shoulder, waiting for someone to find me and think I’d deceived someone,” Flynn pleaded.
    Darius didn’t give a crap about his deception, his fake death, or his responsibilities. What mattered even less was the man’s need to help the less fortunate. But Darius let Flynn drone on and on, allowing him to think he was about to be hauled back to the States to face charges.
    “Dr. Flynn, you’re coming with us, immediately. Please gather your things and prepare to depart.” The man would get suspicious if he didn’t let him retrieve a few belongings before they left Gayaza. His men had procured a private jeep they would use to return to Entebbe.
    A local was more than willing to give up his vehicle to help the United States of America. The Melas may have also promised him passage to the States.
    The pair stood in place, neither making a move toward their accommodations to retrieve Flynn’s things. Dr. Adams’s nervous eyes slid to Flynn’s pale, frightened face. The look that passed between the two wasn’t foreign to Darius.
    I had that look once. What a fucking idiot I’d been.
    The two thought themselves in love. How disappointing. He wanted to shout at Flynn. Tell him it would end in hurt when Adams told him he wasn’t good enough, didn’t have a means of supporting her adequately for her standards. She’d convince him to give up everything he had, betray the ones who care about him...only to walk away when the game got old. Cock sucking bitch!
    It was Adams who finally spoke. The pout that formed on her lips added to the hardness in his pants.
    What he could do to those lips. What he would have done to her lips.
    Darius loved a woman who begged. “Sir, please reconsider taking Greg.

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