One & Only

One & Only by Kara Griffin

Book: One & Only by Kara Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Griffin
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We told no one what we were doing.”
    “I saw MacHeth, too. He was on his
way to meet a bride who … She was expected days past and when she didn’t show
up, they returned home. I should have known you’d get wind of this and take
matters into your own hands. There will be retribution, ye know that, Grey?”
    Grey hunched his shoulder. “Seems
she took her time and then we were delayed by the slow moving carts. MacHeth
must have ridden like hell to get to you so hastily. Aye, stopped to tattle
like the priss-arse he is. You should have expected that, Donal. She doesn’t
want to marry any MacHeth. Bree, tell him so.”
    “Wait a minute here,” Donal said.
“Bree? Are you saying your—”
    “Donal, I could hear you shouting
all the way in the woods.” Adeline came into the hall and stopped when she saw
them sitting at the table. “Oh, I do apologize. I didn’t know we had company.”
She pressed her hands over her garments as if to rectify her appearance. But
Adeline looked like a precious flower, always perfect.
    “You would damned well know that if
you weren’t hunting,” Donal said grumpily.
    “Donal, we have guests. Save your
complaint for later.” Adeline was a breath of fresh air. Her smile lightened
the mood. Grey was grateful she’d walked in when she had. Donal would have to
wait for explanations.
    Grey stood and made the
introductions. “Lady Adeline, this is Bree and her maid, Cait.”
    Adeline smiled. “Welcome to our
home. Come, let us get you washed from traveling. You must be exhausted and
hungry. Shame on you, Donal, for keeping the ladies from their rest. Surely
they would like to wash and take a respite.”
    “Adeline, you’ll explain later,”
Donal said firmly. “I mean it.”
    “Mayhap I might. I must see to
company now. Stop being surly, Donal. Grey is waiting for your attention. I’m
sure he has enough news to keep you busy for hours. I do thank you for that,
    Grey would have laughed at the way
Lady Ross smiled sweetly at her husband. She certainly knew how to handle
Donal. He’d never be so waylaid by a woman as Donal was. While the ladies made
their way out of the hall, Donal poured drinks and eyed him suspiciously.
    Duff knew what was coming, the
endless questions Donal would throw at Grey. His commander asked to be excused
and didn’t wait for acknowledgement before he headed for the door.
    “You know this will cause a war,
don’t you?”
    Grey shrugged his shoulder. “Aye. We
were bound to war anyway.”
    Donal paced around the table. “You
can’t take a clan’s intended without paying for it, Grey. What will you do,
take her to wife yourself? ‘Tis glad I am to hear such news. I never thought
you would wed since …”
    “Nay, she has asked for my
protection, Donal, and bargained her dowry. I could not refuse her request for
protection. Ask her yourself. She’ll tell you true that she does not wish to
wed a MacHeth.”
    “Damnation! This is a mess. I will
speak with the lass and find out the details. You are not out of the woods with
me on this issue, Grey.”
    “Question her as ye like. I have
nothing to hide.”
    Donal frowned. “I detest the
MacHeths as much as you do. I have warned Alexander about their scuffles with
his father. I don’t trust they will not try something sneaky to regain the
crown for MacWilliams. Why would the MacHeths send for an English woman for
bride? It makes no sense. There’s something odd about this. Will ye return her
to her family?”
    Grey shook his head. “Hell, nay. The
Champlains sent her to the MacHeths. I don’t trust they wouldn’t send her back
were she returned to them. Besides, I mean to keep her.”
    Donal laughed, practically spitting
out the sip of ale he’d taken. After wiping his chin with his sleeve, he asked,
“Does she know that you’re keeping her? Mayhap she doesn’t want to stay with
    “Nay. I haven’t told her yet … It
has been a long time since a woman has … You know how I

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