One & Only

One & Only by Kara Griffin Page A

Book: One & Only by Kara Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Griffin
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felt about Albrey when
I was young. Bree needs my protection. I failed once, Donal, but I won’t fail
this time.” A little emotion snuck into his admission.
    “I will decide on this matter when I
have spoken to her and if she agrees to your pursuit, I may agree. The MacHeths
don’t deserve such a bonny prize. And she doesn’t deserve to be a kept woman either,
Grey. If ye mean to keep her, you will do right by her.”
    “I don’t wish to dishonor her,
Donal, but I am not sure I am ready to take such a drastic step.” Grey felt
backed against the wall. If Donal thought to threaten him, he’d be wrong.
Though Grey respected Donal, he kept his own council and wouldn’t answer to
anyone when it came to such personal issues. It was bad enough he answered to
Donal when it came to clan responsibilities, concerns that he’d asked his
advice on. Regardless, Donal wasn’t one to hold back his opinion on any matter.
    Donal finished his drink and banged
his cup on the table. “Claiming, ah the pursuit is well worth it, Grey. My own
Adeline gave me a chase, but when I caught her she had no choice but to accept
    Grey grinned to himself. He heard
the stories of how Adeline eluded Donal by dressing as a lad amongst his
soldiers. And how Donal knew about it and wore her down by training her harder
than others. Such stories oft made the rounds in the highlands and Grey never
thought he’d have such a tale to tell. Mayhap his luck was changing.
    One of the servants came in and
skulked toward them. “What is it?” Donal shouted.
    The woman jumped then looked at her
feet. “Lady … Gunn would like her satchel. She’s asked if someone could retrieve
it and bring it to the kitchens.”
    “Lady Gunn?” Grey was confused for a
    “By now my clan all believe Bree to
be Lady Gunn. Hell, I’m sure your men do too. Let’s get her satchel and then
you can tell me any news.”
    Once outside, Donal took Bree’s satchel
from him and bid someone passing by to deliver it to his wife. Grey followed
Donal to the barracks and saw Garret, his longtime friend. For the next few
hours, they discussed clan news and the happenings.
    Returning to the great hall, Grey
smelled something delicious wafting through the room. “I’m starved, something
smells good. Adeline must be serving a feast.”
    Donal frowned. “Whatever it is, I
hope they bring it out soon. I could eat a horse.”
    No sooner had he said that, the
servants began bringing in dishes. Following the trays, both Bree and Adeline
came in and sat at the table. Cait followed shortly thereafter, bringing
another dish, and set it on the table before sitting next to Bree.
    “It was so kind of you, Bree, to
want to cook for us. Everything looks delicious. I fear I want to taste all of
    “It is nothing special, Lady Ross.
Make sure you use honey on your hams when you roast them on the fire. It is
quite tasty.”
    Grey sensed Donal’s seething look at
his wife. Adeline avoided her husband since she’d entered the room, but now
gave him a sweet smile.
    “Donal, you could set fire with that
glare. Let us enjoy this fine meal Bree prepared and we shall discuss what has
you cross later. The children ate and are being bathed. We shall have the
entire night to … discuss it.”
    “Bree cooked this meal?” Grey asked.
    “Aye, Grey, she did. Donal, she’s
amazing in a kitchen. I’m sure cook will appreciate the herbs you left and the
information. Why, he’s singing gaily into his pots.”
    “Lady Bree, thank you for your
kindness,” Donal said.
    “Cut the chivalry cosh, Donal.” He
gave a look, letting him know that he didn’t appreciate the pleasantries he
dished out. “I don’t need to be compared to you when …” Grey groaned, for he
wasn’t as poetic with words as Donal was.
    Donal laughed. “That you don’t.”
    Every speck of food was eaten by the
time the meal ended. Grey had never tasted food so well made. He’d beg Bree to
teach Anna how to

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