Omens of Kregen

Omens of Kregen by Alan Burt Akers Page B

Book: Omens of Kregen by Alan Burt Akers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Burt Akers
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Fantasy
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democratic way they’d set up in the guard corps, Targon said very suspiciously: “This doesn’t mean we’re not going with you to the Coup Blag. Oh, no, we’re not having that, by Vox!”
    “No, by the Blade of Kurin!” and: “Not likely, as Jorgo of the Snickersnee is my witness!” and: “We’re all going, by Bongolin!” And other similar vehement affirmations.
    Balass the Hawk said, “A good sword and shield man, that’s what you want down there, Dray.”
    Oby snapped out: “You’re not leaving me behind!”
    Hap Loder, who ran the fearsome Clansmen for me out on the Great Plains of Segesthes, wanted to know about this Coup Blag, and expressed his interest in tagging along. Others made inquiries; all seemed to feel a little holiday up there in the Snarly Hills would do wonders for their circulation.
    K. Kholin Dora was perfectly convinced that a four-armed Djang would be perfectly at home in the mazes of the hill. Vomanus, Delia’s half-brother, having recovered from his illness, said in his lazy reckless way that he was going too. And the feckless fellow
had rust spots on his sword.
    “By Krun!” I said to Delia. “The wedding has made it worse. Now we’re inundated with folk all clamoring to go.”
    “Aye,” she said in her practical, devious way: “And that might be a good thing, too.”
    Seeing what she meant, I agreed. All the same...!
    Farris said: “I have been having a quiet word with Emperor Nedfar. There are genuine troubles which cause this lamentable lapse in the supply of airboats.”
    I made a face. After only a short stay, Tyfar and Lela had returned to western Hamal. They’d spoken a little of what they were up to out there. Nedfar expressed concern for their safety, and added: “But you cannot muzzle these young people for ever.”
    “They see their duty as bringing the production of fliers back to normal,” said Delia. She spoke bravely; but I could see her concern and suffered with her.
    Just because Drak and Silda were safely married and off enjoying themselves did not mean that the rest of us gave up celebrating. No chance of that yet, by Krun!
    During this time of a continuous whirl of pleasure, of dances and routs and balls, all in the best traditions of Kregen, we began to assemble forces for the expedition to visit Csitra.
    Farris intimated that he could put what was a considerable force of airboats at our disposal. The armed forces of Vallia were being reduced. We had won the wars and re-united all the islands of the empire; now was a time for consolidation on all the other fronts of civilization crying out for attention; agriculture, building, canals, education, trade and commerce of every description. So, with the soldiers and airmen returning home, we could take our pick of fliers, flyers and swods.
    In the end I made the sensible decision of taking just about everyone who clamored to go along. Drak had said that he would release from his service in Vallia anyone we asked for.
    So I told the lads of the guard corps to work out a system by which half of them went to the Coup Blag and the other half stayed with their duty to the emperor.
    Nath Karidge, commanding EDLG, in a pitiable state, came up to me and poured out his woes.
    I said, “The fact is, Nath, you command the Empress’s Devoted Life Guard. The empress is now Silda.”
    “I have no desire to affront her, or Seg, or you or Delia. But I feel I must resign.”
    I nodded. “And you will form a regiment? Devoted to Delia?”
    “There is no need to tell you of my feelings, Nath. I thank you. This thing can be arranged with tact and discretion. Just make sure EDLG remains the elite and splendid regiment it has always been.”
    “There will be no problem with that.”
    There were many details involved in the handing over of power. Naghan Vanki, the emperor’s chief spymaster, waxed surprisingly effusive when I thanked him for his work. He had always been cold and distant. He was devoted to

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