Oblivion (The Watcher Chronicles #3)

Oblivion (The Watcher Chronicles #3) by S.J. West Page B

Book: Oblivion (The Watcher Chronicles #3) by S.J. West Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. West
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    “So what do you want to know about your mom?”
    “Everything,” Leah begs.  “Anything.  All I know is her name and that she left me after I was born.”
    “Your mom wasn’t like most of the girls here.  Usually they can distance themselves from the Johns but not your mom.  I don’t think she was cut out for the business to be honest.  She ended up falling in love with one of her clients but he didn’t want anything to do with her.  He even asked to have another girl become his regular.  Your mom went ape shit crazy after that.  Now that I think about it, that happened just before the Tear opened and she disappeared.”
    “Where was she from?”
    “I don’t know exactly.  All I do know is that she was here illegally from China.  A lot of girls end up here if they’re trying to live in the states without papers.”
    “Do you know anything else?”
    “Sorry hon, that’s about all I knew about your mom.  I’m not even sure her real name was Grace to be honest with you.”
    Leah’s shoulders sag in disappointment.  She walks up to the desk and grabs the crown.  The Madame’s eyes look like they’re about to pop out of her head.
    “How the hell did you do that?  We’ve had almost everyone in Nevada try to move that thing after the box it was in disintegrated.”
    “It belongs to me,” Leah tells her.
    Leah walks back to us. 
    “Ready?” Remy asks.
    Leah nods and Remy phases us back to my house.
    When we get back home, Mason is already gone.  I grab my phone from its charger in case he needs to get in touch with me while we’re separated.
    I decide I should I head over to Mama Lynn’s house alone before bringing Leah and Remy to meet her.  I tell her what the situation is with Leah.  She reacts just like I thought she would.
    “You bring her to me,” she tells me. “Poor thing has been stuck over there for far too long.  I bet she hasn’t had a home cooked meal in ages.”
    This sets Mama Lynn off in the kitchen to whip up a lunch for Leah while I go back to my house to get her.
    On my way home, my phone vibrates.  I quickly grab it to see if it’s a text from Mason.
    Are you back yet?
    Yes, we got back thirty minutes ago.  Taking Leah to meet Mama Lynn now.
    Let me know how that goes.  BTW, red or white?
    Red or white what?
    A mixture?
    Silk or cotton?
    Silk or cotton what?
    Never slept on silk so don’t know how comfortable they would be.  Let’s go with cotton.
    In or out?
    Definitely in.  I think.  Unless I’m missing the point of the question .
    Indoors or outdoors…
    Oh, then definitely in.  Isn’t it too cold to be doing something like that outdoors?
    Not where we are going…We can always do both…
    If that is an option then I vote for both.
    I like the way you think, Agent Riley…
    I like the way you plan, Mr. Collier…
    See you at five.  Got lots to do before then.  Love you, with all that I am.
    Love you, with all I will ever be.
    Remy holds Leah’s hand as we walk over to Mama Lynn’s house.  My dad and I walk slightly ahead of them.
    “She’s gonna love you,” Remy says to Leah, forcing himself to sound optimistic even in the face of his emanate departure.
    “Guess we’ll see,” Leah replies, uncertainty in her voice.
    “You know my mom picked Mama Lynn to be my mother before she left me,” I tell Leah over my shoulder.  “Sort of like your mom picked Remy to leave you with.  She knew I would be in good hands and I know you will be too.”
    “Why does she want me?”
    “Why wouldn’t she?”
    “Because I’m a complete stranger!  She doesn’t know anything about me.”
    I come to a stop so I can face Leah.
    “Sure she does.  She knows you’re my friend.  She knows you were stranded on a world you didn’t belong on your whole life.  The rest she can learn as you guys get to know each other. 

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