Obama's Enforcer

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Authors: John Fund
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    Administrative Procedure Act, 35, 213
    advocacy groups
    Civil Rights Division compared to, 72
    Civil Rights Division lawyers from, 74
    collusive settlement agreements, 78–79, 111, 210–14
    DOJ funding, 33–35
    lawsuits brought by, 36
    affirmative action, 13–14
    Afghanistan, 184
    Africa Sting case, 186–90
    Aguilar, Angela Maria Gomez, 193, 196–97
    Aguilar, Enrique, 196
    AIG Federal Savings Bank, 79
    Al Qaeda
    AP story on foiled plot on bin Laden death anniversary, 171–72
    bin Laden death, 178–80
    legal representation by Human Rights Watch attorneys, 156–57
    trials related to September 11 attacks, 181
    Alt, Larry, 137
    American Constitution Society, 153, 160
    American Indians, USDA discrimination case, 108–9, 111
    American Lawyer , 9
    American Nurses Association v. Jackson , 38–39
    American with Disabilities Act, 87–89
    Androphy, Joel, 192
    anti-discrimination law, enforcement of. See Civil Rights Division
    appointments, presidential
    Bush (G. W.), 75–76, 209–10
    Clinton, 202, 209–10
    Obama, 47–49, 146–47
    Arizona v. U.S. , 55
    Conway Human Development Center case, 83
    Pigford scandal, 104, 106
    Arkansas Fish & Game Commission v. U.S , 54
    Ashcroft, John, 5, 46
    Ashton, Robin, 203, 206–7
    Associated Press (AP), 115, 169–72, 177
    Astorga, Luis Lucio Rosales, 148
    ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), 124, 130–31, 135–36, 148–49. See also Fast and Furious scandal
    Attkisson, Sharyl, 116, 131, 142
    Attorney General of the United States
    conflict of interest, 216
    establishment of office, 20
    office location, 20–21
    power of, 19
    attorneys’ fees, 29, 32, 34, 35, 37, 82, 83, 213
    Avila, Jaime, 140–41
    banks, 78–79
    Barron, David, 44, 46
    Barry, Marion, 14
    Basurto, Fernando, 191, 193
    Bernstein, Barbara “Bobbi,” 70, 71
    Bhargava, Anurima, 77–78
    Biden, Joe, 178
    bin Laden, Osama, 178–80
    Bissonnette, Matt, 178
    Bistrong, Richard, 186–90
    Black Farmers and Agriculturists Association (BFAA), 107
    Blackwater Worldwide, 164–66
    Blumenthal, Richard, 7–8
    Boehner, John, 65
    Bollinger, Lee, 13
    Bongo, Ali, 186
    Booker, Greg, 114
    Bosserman, Barbara Kay, 5
    Boyle, Matt, 115
    Breitbart, Andrew, 110
    Brennan, John, 172
    Breuer, Lanny, 143, 184–85, 187, 189, 190, 193
    bribery, 184–85. See also Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prosecutions
    Brown, Scott, 144
    Brown; U.S. v. , 94, 98, 99
    bullying behavior, in Civil Rights Division, 94–98
    Bureau of Prisons, 20
    Burke, Dennis, 122
    Burton, Dan, 18
    Bush (George W.) administration
    appointments, 75–76, 209–10
    ATF Project Gunrunner initiative, 130–31
    Civil Rights Division, 72, 84, 102
    enhanced interrogation techniques, 44, 160–61
    MACT rule, 38
    â€œsue and settle” lawsuits, 36
    Voting Rights Act enforcement, 62–63
    war on terrorism, 153, 160
    warrantless surveillance, 46, 49
    Bybee, Jay, 203–6
    Calderón, Felipe, 132, 135
    Canino, Carlos, 143
    Card, Andrew, 46
    Carpenter, Abraham, Jr., 106
    Carter, Jimmy, 171
    Cartwright, James, 168
    Casa, Lee, 137
    Casa de Maryland, 90
    Casey, Bob, 64
    CBS, 116, 131, 142
    censorship, by government, 56–58
    Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
    Afghanistan payments, 184
    interrogation techniques, 160–64
    Plame leak, 5
    Yemen plot leak, 115, 169–72
    Central Intelligence Agency Act (1949), 162
    C. F. Martin & Company, 27
    Chaffetz, Jason, 143
    Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 37–38
    Chiquita Brands International, 18
    churches, 50–51, 82
    CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , 56–58
    Civiletti, Benjamin, 64–65
    Civil Rights Act (1957), 72
    Civil Rights Division, 69–102
    budget, 69
    bullying of conservative employees, 94–98
    creation of, 72
    disability cases, 87–89
    dysfunction of, 73–74

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