Obama's Enforcer

Obama's Enforcer by John Fund

Book: Obama's Enforcer by John Fund Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Fund
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    Working at the Justice Department was a real honor, and I met many dedicated professionals there who were interested in representing the American people to the best of their abilities and making sure that justice was served. But I also met too many biased partisans whose lack of professionalism and ideological extremism was an embarrassment to the legal profession and a danger to the liberty of Americans. With very few exceptions, such as J. Christian Adams and Andrew McCarthy, almost no one has been willing to expose this because of the fear of being targeted by the Justice Department, the most powerful law enforcement agency in America. When the Justice Department abuses its power, it threatens the freedom and well-being of Americans.
    This book would not have been possible without the help of sources who are still inside Justice, and who provided much of the information in this book. Many of them have been subject to harassment and intimidation under the tenure of Eric Holder because of their dedication to the rule of law and their belief that the Justice Department should act in the best interests of the public. They know who they are and I extend to them my sincere thanks not just for their help, but for staying at Justice in a very hostile atmosphere and trying to do the right thing.
    No one could ask for a better coauthor than John Fund, a journalist dedicated to ferreting out the truth. Our many years of collaborating on stories and sharing information have been very fruitful, to the obvious chagrin of our critics and those who have opposed our efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and expose the wrongdoing of government agencies like the Justice Department.
    Thanks to my wife, Susan, with whom I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary during the writing of this book. She has always been my first-line editor, and none of this would have been possible without her. To my children—Elisabeth, Christopher, and Anna—thanks for putting up with my many weekends of writing when I couldn’t spend time with you.
    I have to acknowledge the many brilliant lawyers and analysts at The Heritage Foundation, where I have had a home for the past six years. Some like Cully Stimson helped to improve the chapters. Other people have helped me over some difficult years, including Cleta Mitchell, one of the fiercest advocates for conservatives in Washington, former attorney general Ed Meese, who was without question the best person I’ve ever worked for, and Todd Gaziano and Robert Alt, my former colleagues at Heritage.
    Thanks to PJ Media and National Review , who took a chance on me and started publishing my commentaries after I left the Federal Election Commission in 2008 after a vitriolic nomination fight that illustrated everything that is wrong with Washington today.
    Finally, I can’t say enough about my family. My parents, Anatol and Traudel von Spakovsky, met in a refugee camp in occupied Germany after the end of World War II, having barely survived being killed on numerous occasions, including when my mother was arrested by the Gestapo. They immigrated to the United States in 1951 and had five children in this great democracy that gave the von Spakovsky family refuge. We all love America and we want to see our country prosper. To my brothers, Alexis and Michael, and my sisters, Christine and Ingrid, don’t you think Anatol and Traudel are smiling down at all of us and saying, “They’ve done well!”?
    â€”Hans von Spakovsky

    The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
    ABA Journal , 18
    ABB Ltd., 190–91, 192
    ABC, 172
    abortion, 63, 80–82
    Abramson, Jill, 8
    Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 64
    Adams, J. Christian, 62, 100–101, 116, 117, 208
    Adams, John, 158–59
    Adams, Roger, 155
    Adegbile, Debo,

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