Numb (Senses Series Book 3)

Numb (Senses Series Book 3) by Xavier Neal Page A

Book: Numb (Senses Series Book 3) by Xavier Neal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xavier Neal
that the girl of my dreams walked out of my life and into his on a silver platter.
    “What do you want? To gloat? To further tempt me to knock your teeth in?”
    “To give you one last chance to do right by Maxx.” Like a dog whistle, my body shoots up on alert. “Glad you’re listening now. I want you to come over in the morning and talk to her. I’m gonna text you my address and you better be here by 7:30, because at 7:31, Kellar, this offer for my help expires.”
    Cockily I say, “What the fuck makes you think I need your help?”
    Shit. I shouldn’t have said that. Wrong thing to say. Wrong thing to say!
    “Because I’m not the one who’s about to lose the love of his life.” Tony waits a beat and then says, “7:30.”
    Before I have a chance to respond, the line goes dead and a text comes through with an address.
    Do you really think I still have a shot? Or is it too late?

Chapter 17

    Pacing outside of Tony’s apartment I try to calm myself down. The combination of not sleeping, an energy drink, and the possibility that maybe this isn’t over with Maxx are swimming rapidly through my veins.
    It’s like having the makings of an Atomic Bomb weaving around in your system. You just sit on edge waiting to fucking blow.
    I stare at his white apartment door willing the fucking thing to open.
    He said 7:30. I’m here early. What the fuck is the goddamn hold up? You wanna know too, don’t you? You’re the one who likes this guy! Call him! Text him! Do something! This wait is—
    His front door opens and he slides out shutting it behind him.
    Remind me to be nice to this guy for Maxx’s sake.
    Tony takes a couple steps and folds his arms across his chest as if he’s guarding the entrance to the pearly gates.
    At this point, to me, he is.
    “You showed.”
    “I did.” Clearing my throat nervously after a moment of silence, I slide my hands into my pockets. “She still here?”
    “She is.” More awkward silence.
    This is fucking worse than when I met the Kid.
    “She’s asleep,” Tony speaks again.
    All of a sudden it feels like my entire body is being dipped in flames. “In your fucking bed?”
    “On my couch.” The clarification calms my heart and the heat coursing through my system. “Let me make this clear for you, Kellar. Maxx is my friend . That’s it. Once upon a time I had feelings for her, but that stopped the minute I saw how she really felt about you. And the only reason you’re on my front porch right now is because you are the only thing in the entire world that can stop the pain she’s in. I’m not doing this for you. Honestly? I don’t really fucking like you. But Maxx is in love with you, and I’d do anything for that girl. So I’m gonna wake her up and bring her out here for you to talk to, but a little friendly advice?”
    I tilt my head. “What’s that?”
    “Don’t fuck it up.”
    “Which part of that was friendly?”
    “The part where I didn’t put my fist through your face .” The words linger between us briefly before he steps inside.
    I don’t know whether to be impressed or grateful. Either way, he’s bringing me Maxx and he’s right. I can’t fuck this up. This. Is. It.
    Anxiously, I watch the door open. Tony strolls out first, then Maxx, who’s wrapped in the same clothes she was wearing yesterday only now her hair is pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head. She looks beautiful. So goddamn beautiful.
    Tony ushers a hand in my direction. I take a step closer, which is when she flinches back towards the door. “How the hell did you find me?”
    “I called him.” Tony’s admission paints bewilderment on her face.
    I’ve gotten that look as the friend before. She usually threatens to knee you in the nuts after.
    “You what?”
    “I called him.” He stays strong in his conviction as he says, “I did the right thing. You’re miserable without him. And I hate that. More than I hate him. So I called him and gave him the option to come

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