Nobody's Girl

Nobody's Girl by Keisha Ervin

Book: Nobody's Girl by Keisha Ervin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keisha Ervin
taken the paternity test? I thought the baby wasn’t yours, you lousy, lying bastard!” She pushed him again.
    â€œMills, what is going on here?” one of the developers asked.
    â€œJust give me a minute, Bob,” Mills pleaded desperately.
    â€œYeah, give him a second, Bob !” Farrah shouted.
    â€œWhat the fuck is your problem? You actin’ like a crazy woman!” Mills looked at Farrah like she was a foreign object.
    â€œIf I’m crazy, it’s because you made me this way! Why you have to lie to me, Mills? I asked you over and over again and you repeatedly said no !” Farrah cried so hard her chest heaved up and down.
    â€œLook at what you’ve done to us!” Tears dripped from her eyes as she held up the picture of the baby. “Look! She looks just like you!”
    Mills wanted to continue to deny the truth, but the look of utter despair on Farrah’s face was unbearable.
    â€œI’m sorry.” He hung his head low.
    â€œYou’re sorry? No, I’m sorry ’cause I believed you! I married you!” Farrah pushed him repeatedly.
    â€œI didn’t mean for it to go this far. I was gon’ tell you the truth.” Mills tried to explain as cars stopped to watch their altercation.
    â€œReally?” Farrah snapped. “When were you going to tell me the truth, Mills, huh? When I got pregnant or when the baby was born? You ain’t shit, nigga, and it pisses me off that I’m just now realizing it! I see why Jade cheated on you! And then you the dumb muthafucka that goes back and fucks the bitch! What the fuck is wrong wit’ you? Do you get off on lookin’ stupid? Why you couldn’t just tell me the baby was yours instead of lying about it like a fuckin’ pussy!”
    â€œPussy?” He looked over at the developers, whose eyes were wide with amazement.
    â€œMills, I think we’re just gonna leave,” Bob announced.
    â€œNo, just give me a second!” Mills requested. “Farrah, can we please talk about this at home? You’re embarrassing the hell outta me.” Mills clenched his jaw.
    â€œI’m embarrassing you? ” Farrah said in disbelief. “I know you didn’t just say that! I knooooow you did not just say that! Nigga, you cheated on me, got a bitch pregnant, kept it a secret, then lied and said the baby wasn’t yours when you knew damn well it was, but I’m embarrassing you? Nigga, fuck you!” Farrah mushed him in the forehead.
    â€œLike, really go fuck yourself! Fuck yourself wit’ a fifty-inch dick until you bleed, muthafucka, ’cause I’m done! You, your slut-bag baby mama and that Jon and Kate Plus Eight –lookin’-ass baby of yours can all go fuck yourself! You are—good for nothin’—and I’m not gon’ waste any more of my tears on you!” Farrah threw the picture at him and stomped away.
    Mills wanted to run after her and plead his case, but he knew that he had no case to plead. Plus, Farrah’s temper was on twenty. There was no talking to her. Nothing could calm her down. He would try his best to salvage his meeting and give her a little time to breathe. Prayfully, by the time he got home she would be open and stable enough to talk. But before Mills went home he had a quick run to make.

Chapter 9
    Don’t know what I’m gonna do,but I just keep on going through changes.
    â€“Eminem, “Going Through Changes”
    â€œYeah, baby, fuck me, papi!” screamed Lizzy as J.R. pounded in and out of her pussy. “Oh, baby, don’t stop! I’m ’bout to cum!” she yelled. “ Aaaaahhh !” She gave one last scream and her body went completely limp. J.R. usually loved it when she came while he was still inside her, because she would get extra-wet just how he liked it, but tonight, he just couldn’t enjoy it as much as he usually did. He pulled out, grabbed a towel, and started

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