groaned and said, “Go ahead,
Foreboding, tell us what you want us to know.”
    “ I would like to jump
directly into the subject of transmutation, but I think a
discussion on the nature of the universe must come
    “ Is this school?” the boy
cringed. “I thought I was going to be a knight. When do I learn how
to fight like those elves?”
    Arthur chuckled and continued, “This
lesson is the beginning of learning to be a knight. I promise not
to be too boring; also, I am not trained in fighting and weaponry.
Your cousin Lydia will be here to train you about that.”
    “ I think I remember her,
Arthur. She was just a baby when we fled Winterpast.”
    “ Yes and the Abbot of the
Temple of Light raised her after her father was slain. But let us
begin. Most people on your planet Earth feel that someone is
watching them from time to time. In some cases, they are being
watched by the police, stalkers, or thieves. Most of the time, they
just feel it and can find no evidence anyone is around. The answer
is that there are ten dimensions of physical space. Only those
Beings who share all three with any of us can be seen or detected.
Imagine a person who lives in a reality sharing one or two of the
dimensions where you exist is nearby. They could be right next to
you, or even in the same spot as you, but you wouldn’t know it. You
might sense something however. Can you imagine that?”
    “ That is so cool!” the boy
    “ Pardon me, Arthur, but I
already understand about the dimensions of space and time and spoke
to Jeremy and my son about it the night before last. Plus, I think
the scientific content will be lost on little Jeremy
    “ Okay, that’s good to
know,” the Foreboding asked. “What else shall we discuss today
    “ How about fighting with
swords!” little Jeremy shouted. “I want to fight like a real
    Arthur smiled and continued, “That
training will begin soon, so please be patient, Son. Jeremy, did
you also discuss the basics of transmutation?”
    “ No, but you must recall
that it’s been a long time since I was trained in that.”
    Arthur replied, “Good. The most
important skill you can learn is transmutation, or what some call
folding. When you are aware of another realm, and the different
dimensions that make it, you can change the dimensions that you
occupy. By changing two dimensions for your little group, Jeremiah
transmuted you all to Whistlestop. As soon as one dimension
changed, the monsters could have attacked you with their axes, but
they could not hurt you, because in reality, you were no longer
    “ Let’s do it now!” the boy
exclaimed. “I want to learn right now!”
    “ I’m afraid it is not that
simple, young man,” Arthur answered. “Each realm of the universe is
in constant motion, with planets spinning and revolving, stars
being born and dying, earthquakes and tornadoes, floods and fires.
In order to transmute, you must sense the other realms with your
mind, find the appropriate realm and place therein before you jump.
Otherwise you could appear in the center of a star or volcano and
be incinerated.”
    The boy frowned and dropped his head.
His grandfather asked, “If I live in these three dimensions, how
can my mind go outside them?”
    “ That’s a great question,
old friend, and the answer is your mind exists outside the
dimensions of physical space.” The two looked back at him with
glazed eyes. “Your mind, or spirit if you will, lives outside the
realm where your physical form resides. It lives eternally with the
Creator. She and our spirits made all of the realms. You could say
reality only exists in our minds, but the physical experience
appears to contradict that. Yet, it is true. Your mind is
constantly touching all the dimensions, although you are only
consciously aware of the three dimensional realm in which you live.
When you can accept the truth that you are greater than this bone
and flesh vessel, you

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