Nobody Loves a Ginger Baby

Nobody Loves a Ginger Baby by Laura Marney Page A

Book: Nobody Loves a Ginger Baby by Laura Marney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Marney
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saved my life’ says local woman. They’ll be queuing up to offer him a publishing deal. He’ll need an agent, a London agent. It’s a pity Daphne doesn’t smoke because he could give her a fag and when she leans in for a light he could grab her and pull her to safety.
    He rattles her letter box and immediately sees that this is stupid, she’s on the window ledge, she’s hardly likely to answer the door. He’ll have to break it down. He rams his shoulder into the door. It’s fucking sore and the door doesn’t give an inch. The hot flush of excitement is quickly cooling to fear. What if he’s too late? That selfish cow better wait. He steps back along the corridor and takes a run at it, bracing himself for the pain. He rushes at the door with all the energy and life force that Daphne is about to squander.
    The door opens. But Pierce’s energy and life force is irresistible . It carries him on, past Daphne, along the hall until it meets an immoveable object, the inside wall. The pain in his shoulder makes him shake from the inside out. Pierce slides down the wall whimpering as Daphne stands over him.
    ‘Pierce, what the hell are you doing? Are you drunk?’
    Pierce can’t reply. He’d like to reply, he’s like to tell the fucking bitch… but he can’t, the pain in his shoulder is demanding all of his attention.
    ‘Are you okay?’
    Obviously he’s not fucking okay. He’s lying in her hallway in excruciating agony but it’s just like Daphne to ask a question like that.
    ‘Can you stand? Here, let me help you.’
    Help from Daphne is the last thing Pierce wants. Not only has she spoiled his chances of a publishing deal, now she’s made him break his shoulder.
    ‘Have you hurt yourself?’
    Duh! He thinks.
    ‘Hmmm,’ he nods.
    ‘You need to sit down, your face is chalk white. Come into the living room.’
    Stand up, sit down , the bitch is torturing him, but he lets her lead him into the living room. When he goes to sit down a new even sorer pain starts up. He has to go to the hospital.
    ‘Daphne, phone an ambulance,’ he whispers hoarsely, he can’t feel or move his right arm.
    ‘I’ve broken my fucking shoulder. Would you please just phone an ambulance?’
    ‘Really? You’ve broken your shoulder?’
    Pierce means to just say ‘yeah’ manfully, but he’s nodding his head and it’s coming out like a baby’s cry.
    ‘Oh for God’s sake! What the hell were you playing at, running in here like a madman?’
    This is too much. Indignation gives Pierce his voice back.
    ‘What the hell was I playing at? What the fucking hell were you playing at, Miss Hanging Off The Windowsill? Miss Melodrama ? Miss I’ve Been Chucked And Life’s Not Worth Living? Miss, Miss…!’
    ‘I was not hanging off the windowsill! I was sitting on it. And I most certainly was not trying to kill myself; I can’t believe you thought that.’
    They sit in silence for a moment, Pierce wanting only that she’ll make the call. He doesn’t give a shit anymore what she was doing.
    ‘No, actually, sorry. I can. Yes, I suppose someone who’s been a bit fed up, sitting on a window ledge, it might look bad, but honestly, I was only trying to get a leaf from the tree, that’s all I was doing.’
    ‘A leaf from the tree?’
    ‘Yeah, I do it every year, I pick the first leaf and give… er, I … That’s why you were banging the door, you were trying to save me.’
    Pierce nods. Now she gets it, now she’ll phone.
    ‘Oh God, I’m so sorry, Pierce.’
    Daphne comes towards him and takes his head in her hands. Pierce has never noticed before what nice bouncy tits Daphne has. He’s sure she never had them before, he would have noticed. Despite her purple goonie he has a great view from this angle.
    ‘Just phone, Daphne, please? And get me the strongest painkillers you’ve got.’
    ‘Pierce, I feel really awful about this. That was a wonderful thing you tried to do, even if you did get the wrong end of the

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