Book: NO SECRETS NO LIES (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 3) by K. S. Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. S.
keeping her in
place. At the same time, it pulled her squarely back against his body.
     “What are you doing? Stop.” She meant to say the words
as a firm warning, but they came out more like an invitation. 
     Amir let the hardness in his pants answer the question
as he did a slow grind against her soft backside. He reached up and lifted her
hair from her neck so that his lips could continue the teasing his fingers
started earlier. He licked her skin lightly, and as before she tilted her head
to aid his seeking lips. Unable to control her body, Alexis circled her butt
onto his groin until they were engaging in a lazy, erotic, rhythm.
     “M-M-Michael…..” she managed to get out, trying to
remind them both of their son.
     “Asleep.” Amir breathed the word against the side of
her neck as he continued to nip and suck her soft skin. He chuckled when Alexis
reached behind her and placed her hand on the back of his head.
         “That's your spot, isn't it? Or at least
one of them...”
         Alexis' lashes fluttered open. “Y-Yes.
How did you... mmmm ...” She bit back the rest of the moan as his mouth
accurately hit just the right area in the curvature of her neck. Oh God! If he
stopped now, she knew she'd die right here and now.
         “How did I know? I remember every single
spot on your body that made you purr, baby.”  Amir lost count of the
number of times he had woken up with a hard-on because he'd been dreaming of
the night he and Alexis had sex.
     The hand splayed over her stomach inched down and
pushed the helm of her tank top up until he touched her bare skin. His fingers
travelled up and quickly unhooked the front clasp of her bra. His other hand
joined in so that he cupped both breasts and squeezed them like ripe fruit.
     The combination of his mouth working in conjunction
with his hands was driving Alexis crazy. She knew she would have love marks
tomorrow by the way he sucked and bit at her skin but it felt so good. His
mouth opened wide and French kissed her neck to take the sting away. Alexis'
pussy flooded from arousal when Amir squeezed and kneaded her breasts like a
baker preparing his dough. His lightly calloused thumbs rubbed back and forth
over her sensitive nipples. She wanted him so bad. Even after all this time,
she'd never forgotten how thick and delicious he'd felt moving inside of her
and awakening her innocence.
     Amir unsnapped her skirt then pulled the zipper down
to allow his hand to plunge inside her panties. He lightly rubbed the soft hair
covering her mound, only letting his fingertips graze the very top of her
southern lips before pulling away teasingly.
     “Amirrr…please,” Alexis whined. 
     Amir licked the delicate rim of her ear before
capturing it gently between his teeth. "Are you sure?" he whispered,
slipping the tip of his tongue inside.
     “Touch me." When he kept teasing her by just
caressing one finger along the outside of her moist outer lips, Alexis moaned
in frustration. “Like this..." 
         She placed her hand over his and pushed
his fingers between her legs until he got to the silky wetness of her opening.
They both let out a long, low growl. Needing no further urging, Amir took over
and slipped his middle finger deep inside of her.
        “Damn. You
feel so good, Lexie.”
     When he circled her swollen clit, Alexis clamped her
thighs together and moved against his hand. She was so aroused. She hadn’t been
this excited since...since the last time he got her there.
     “I’m gonna cum...” Her choice was breathless and full
off anticipation. She'd been wanting this for weeks.
     “Not yet...” Amir pulled his finger out and used her
cream to trace her outer lips again. “You know what I’ve been wondering...?”
     Alexis shook her head wildly from side to side. She
was right on the edge and couldn’t take much more

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