No Fantasy Required
me. I played with them, rubbing her nipples against my fingertips, plucking at them to encourage them to stiffen.
    Her arms snaked behind my head and pulled me to her tipped-up face. This time I wasn’t at all shocked by our kiss, like last night. I welcomed it, ready. Smoldering passion kept in check all night flared between us and threatened to go out of control.
    Brian kneeled beside us and took us in his arms. He laid us back, side by side, and towered over us as he gazed at our naked bodies. I reached my arms up to him.
    “Yeah, baby.” He fell between us. I rolled toward him and so did Tauni, sandwiching him between our bodies. He was a man in heaven.

Chapter 15
    I took hold of his cock and stroked him. Up and down, then shimmied my way closer so I could press the head of him next to my lips. His stroked my back and I shivered under his fingers. I held him firmly and gave him a little lick.
    Tauni’s hands stroked up my thigh. She teased and tickled me, stringing me along, breathless for her to really touch me. I lost a bit of focus on Brian’s cock and waited…waited for her touch. Still holding on to Brian, I rolled onto my back, and let my knees fall open.
    “So pretty,” she whispered, gazing at my pussy. Her fingers gently swept along my skin, careful not to touch my lips. It was excruciatingly thrilling. I enjoyed her stroking for a few minutes then reached for her hand to stop her.
    “I want to touch you.”
    I sat up, and pushed her back down on the pillows. This time her legs fell open. I gazed at her glorious body. My hands reached out for her breasts. I fondled them and ran my fingertips down her belly, watching the muscles ripple, and then lower, hesitating a little bit. Suddenly I felt a little unsure, nervous.
    She quivered under my caress. It gave me confidence to continue my exploration. I ran the back of my fingers over her narrow strip of hair and let them drift lower. I felt so out of my depth here, but I was far too turned-on and curious to not continue.
    As if sensing my hesitation, Brian snuck up beside me and nuzzled my neck. “It’s okay, honey. Do what feels right.” I turned my face to him and mouthed I love you . He kissed me on the lips tenderly then deepened it, sparking up my desire hotter.
    I turned back to Tauni. She watched us through half-closed eyes, smiling. “He’s right, Kelly. Don’t be shy.” She sat up and took my face in her hands. “You won’t be judged.” Then placed a kiss on my lips, only to duck her head and run a trail of kisses to my breasts. She took a nipple in her mouth and played with it, but not for too long, just long enough to encourage it to erection. She stopped and leaned back, lying down again. “See, it’s so easy.”
    She was right. With no hesitation now, I leaned forward to her and pressed my face between her breasts. I inhaled her wonderful scent. Tauni held my head gently and I turned my face to the tip of one breast. Kissing along the velvety skin, I found what I sought and drew her nipple in my mouth.
    What a wonderful feeling. I suckled on her and gloried as her nipple grew harder and bigger. Then I switched to her other one, giving it the same attention. Brian, behind me now, fingered my pussy. Assaulted by sensation on both ends, I was completely enraptured and now simply a creature of feeling.
    He explored me from behind and leaned forward over my back. One hand played with my pussy and the other cupped my breast. His weight pressed me down onto Tauni, and that was okay. I scooted down a little more and kissed along her stomach, to her belly button, swirling my tongue in its depth. I grabbed the belly button piercing she had with my lips and tugged the ring gently. My hands found her tits. I played and ran my fingertips over her rigid nipples, enjoying the feel of them and the sound of her moans.
    This position pushed my ass higher and with easier access for Brian. He licked me now, his tongue ran along my folds and plunged into

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