Nila's Hope

Nila's Hope by Kathleen Friesen Page A

Book: Nila's Hope by Kathleen Friesen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Friesen
Tags: Christian fiction
What do you recommend?”
    “I’m having a loaded pizza. If you want, we could order a large and share.”
    “That sounds fine.”
    They gave their order to the waitress and settled back to wait.
    Hayley fidgeted, tucked her hair behind her ear, and cleared her throat. “I guess I shouldn’t have said that about your driving. I know I should be more careful, but really,” she opened her hands, “I’ve never had a serious accident. Just a few fender benders.”
    Nila smiled wanly. “You were right about one thing. I’m not a good driver. In fact, I don’t drive.”
    “You’re kidding.” Disbelief narrowed Hayley’s eyes. “Everyone drives.”
    Nila shook her head. “I never had the chance. But I’m saving up for a car, and I plan to take driving lessons in the spring.”
    “I’ve never known a grown person who couldn’t drive.” Hayley stared at her as though she’d sprouted an extra nose. “Didn’t you take Driver’s Ed in school?”
    Nila traced the wood grain under a thick polyurethane finish on the wood slab table. “Just the classroom part. Not the driving.”
    “Why not?”
    She met the younger woman’s gaze without wavering. “How soon would you like to see the plans for your remodel job?”
    Hayley stared at her for a moment, lips compressed. She leaned back and lifted her chin. “Fine, I can take a hint. Let’s see…I’m going back to Toronto a week from tomorrow. Gotta spend some of the holidays with Mommy and Daddy, you know.” Her expression brightened. “I’m planning a party for the night before. Want to come? Then we’d have time to go over your designs and make changes.”
    Nila shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m busy next Friday.”
    “Doing what?”
    Swallowing her annoyance, Nila said, “I’m babysitting for Jason and Faith Delainey.”
    “Oh, that’s Will’s sister and her husband, isn’t it? Their kids are so adorable.” Hayley’s smile grew. “Hey, maybe Will could bring the plans over and stay for the party.”
    Her appetite fled, and Nila shrugged one shoulder. “That’s up to him.”
    Their pizza’s arrival rescued Nila.
    Hayley helped herself to two large wedges. “Dig in. This is the best pizza in town. I know. I’ve tried them all.”
    Nila placed a slice on her plate and reached for her fork.
    Her companion’s stage whisper stalled her hand mid-air. “Just pick it up, silly. Don’t be such a fussy old lady.” Hayley’s gaze slid away from Nila. “Ooh, don’t look now, but there’s a hot guy at the entrance, and it looks like he’s staring at you.”
    Nila froze, and then turned slowly.
    Hayley shook her head and talked around her mouthful. “Too late. He’s gone now. Tough luck.” She swallowed and wiped her mouth. “He was really rocking that bad-boy vibe.” She licked her lips. “Yum.”
    At eight on Saturday morning, Saskatoon Security’s crew rang the doorbell.
    When Will opened the door, a stout, gray-haired man stepped forward.
    “Will Jamison? Guy Renard.” He gestured to each of his men in turn. “This is Len, Raj, and Chuck.”
    “Come on in.” Will shook each man’s hand. “I’m glad you could make it so quickly. What can I do to make this easier?”
    “Other than giving us keys to the shop and the other house, you’re free to do whatever you want. I think we’ve got everything we need. Any particular order you want these wired?”
    Will shook his head. “No, I’m just glad it’s getting done today. I don’t want any more trouble with Daniel’s properties.”
    “He’s an old friend of mine,” Guy said. “I’d work any day of the week for him.”
    As the men readied their equipment, Will handed Guy the keys. “If you’re set here, I’ll get out of your way. I’ll be back before too long in case you need anything.”
    “Sounds good,” Guy said. “If we’re not here, we’ll be in the shop or over at the other house. If all goes well, we’ll be able to get this done

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