Chaos (Havoc Series Book Two)

Chaos (Havoc Series Book Two) by Xavier Neal

Book: Chaos (Havoc Series Book Two) by Xavier Neal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xavier Neal
Tags: Romance, Military, love, marine, interacial
Understatement. I raise my eyebrows. “Fine. A lot
of jealous. Not the point. The point is...I saw the way you look at
her. The way you care. The way you'd do anything for her and you'd
had just met. I didn't get it...I don't get it.” She sips a
drink like the emotions are too much to handle. “Back on subject. I
told her I was sorry and now I'm telling you. Sorry, Clint.”
    “Thanks,” I grumble unsure of what has
sparked her change of heart. Leighyani has never been one for
sincere apologies. Ones with ulterior motives. Definitely. She is
the master of manipulation. Yet this feels real. It's weird.
Uncomfortable. Seeing her reminds me of another face who tried to
hurt my angel. One who if he breathes the wrong direction will end
up six feet under. My body stiffens immediately as a result.
    “He's not here,” Leighyani says as if she's
noticed the change. Am I that obvious?
    “Where is he?”
    “Rehab.” Puzzled, my face lifts in confusion.
Howard's not much for quitting. No more really than Leighyani is
for apologizing. Seems Dad was right. Things have changed.
“Parent's shipped him off right about the time you left. Some
remote expensive high end place in Arizona. The program's at least
a year. Hear he's doing well. They go visit once every couple of
    Wow. Rehab. At least it's good to know I
didn't have to worry about him harassing my angel while I was out
saving his freedom to take shots and sleep with strippers. The
thought of my mom stripping slips back into my mind. Not now.
    “Grim,” Glove's voice cuts into the
    Turning around, I greet him and Lordy both.
They're dressed in their bests as well. Both in dark crisp jeans,
sporting dinner jackets, Glove's black, Lordy's deep brown, white
button down shirts, Lordy with a tie, Glove without. It's a nicer
look than when we go out. Almost like they're going to church. It's
appreciated, but a little funny.
    “You look like a choir boy,” I chuckle in
Glove's direction. “Are you late for Sunday school?” Lordy laughs
and I add, “What are you laughing at? You look like you belong at
Vacation Bible School right beside him.”
    We chuckle, including Leighyani, which grabs
Glove's attention.
    “Leighyani,” Glove greets her with a devious
    “Ugh,” she rolls her eyes and turns her body
on its stiletto heels to escort herself away.
    Pleased with himself, he smiles at me. I fold
my arms across my chest. “Why is she so disgusted with you? I mean
more than the rational amount?”
    Not willing to answer he merely shrugs the
smile on his face fades. Lucky for him I see Haven come from behind
him, not alone. The two of them part and give my girlfriend space
as well as their attention. I love the way they respect her. If
they didn't I'm sure I'd beat it into them.
    “Hey Haven,” Lordy says politely leaning over
to give her a slight hug.
    “Lordy,” she smiles back before allowing
Glove the same. I wish she wouldn't touch him. I'm pretty sure you
can just get an STD from staring too long. “Glove.”
    “Beautiful,” he greets her.
    Without hesitation, I nail him in the
shoulder. He winces. It's enough she touches him. He needs to watch
hitting on her or I will continue hitting on him until he is
nothing more than a bloody pulp clearly unfit for further duty.
    “Clint!” Haven squeals unhappily. I flinch
under the tone alone. It's a rare thing she uses that pitch. I
don't like her upset with me. But I don't like him hitting on her
even more. She points a stern finger at me, “You. Be. Nice. Got
    Like some sort of pussy I immediately
whimper, “Sorry, angel.”
    “Whipped,” Glove chuckles loudly. Lordy
shakes his head that it wasn't a wise choice.
    My fist clenches in response and Haven
sweetly smiles at me. “Now you can hit him.”
    “Thank you,” I nod. I plant another solid
punch in his arm, this one with intent to cause pain.
    “Damn it, Grim!” he rubs where there will be
a bruise in the morning.

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